Chapter 17-- Beach House

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Liam's P.O.V

I told the guys about spending the weekend at the beach house, and they all agreed.

Samantha and I got to the beach house before the rest.

"Babe, when are your friends getting here?" Samantha asked for the 100th time. "I don't know" I replied. She has been complaining since we left my penthouse. I didn't want to bring her here, but she insisted.

Forty minutes later we heard a knock on the door. I stood up immediately to open the door. George and Laila walked in, followed by Nikos and Jane.

What the hell!

"What's she doing here?" I asked Nikos, and they all stared at me like I asked the most obvious question.

"Why not? She's my girlfriend," Nikos replied firmly.

His what? Since when?

"Whatever man. Guys meet Samantha Swift," I introduced her and Samantha waved. "His girlfriend," Samantha announced hugging me tightly.

Absolutely not.

But Jane is here I'm not going to deny it.

Nikos held Jane by the waist while Jane smiled as she caressed Nikos' arm, making me clench my teeth.

I can't believe them.

"Sweetness, why don't we go drop our stuff in the room," Nikos said seductively, and they headed upstairs.

Sweetness?! Ha! I can't laugh.

Wait! Are they going to be sleeping in the same room? On the same bed?

Why do I have the urge to punch something? I can't help but imagine them together on the same bed.

I gulped.

"Are you okay?" Samantha asked.

She needs to stop asking me questions before I blow up.

"Yes, I'm fine," I answered. "But you look__" She continued but tuned her out. "I said I'm fine!" I gritted my teeth.

I took the stairs to my room and Samantha followed.

I didn't even waste time. I started kissing her. Sex with her should distract me from thinking about Jane.

We both took a nap after. By the time we woke up, it was already dark outside.

We both head downstairs to see what everyone is up to. We see everyone having a conversation. Keith, George's younger brother, and his girlfriend were with them.

"What's up, Keith?" I asked him. "Hey bro, I got here three hours ago. They told me you were busy," He said smiling mischievously making me smirk.

"Yeah kinda," I said looking at Jane. We both stared at each other for a few seconds.

"Okay... who wants to play never have I ever?" Laila asked breaking the silence, and everyone cheered. She stood up and went to grab a drink in the kitchen.

"So, we all know how this works right? Anyone who has done what the person said must drink. Who's going to start?" She asked.

Nikos raised his hand.

"Never have I ever had sex in a tractor," Nikos said and no one drank except him. We all stared at him. "What? It was fun," He disclosed smiling like an idiot.

Jane raised her hand. "Never have I ever been cheated on," She spoke up. Jane, George, and Keith's girlfriend took a shot. Then I raised my hand.

"Never have I ever liked my friend's girl," I let out, and only Keith took a shot along with me, making me wonder why they only stared at me. "Who?" George asked curiously. "None of your business. Ask Keith, he took a shot too, right?" I diverted the attention. They all smiled at me mischievously.

"It was a long time ago," Keith replied nonchalantly making them stare at me again. I decided to ignore them.

I took the whole bottle from Laila and walked out, towards the beach.

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