Chapter 38 --The Face of Fear

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Jane's P.O.V
Liam and I have been going strong. The deal this time is to live apart until we are married. We argued about it so many times, but he came to terms with it. I try not to sleep over whenever I visit him. I didn't want Liam to get used to it. I also don't want Ian to get confused in case things don't work out.

I remember the last time he insisted I stay.

"Please stay tonight," He said. "No Liam, remember the rules. So stop asking," I replied firmly, getting ready to leave his penthouse.

"Come on babe, this is so unfair. I proposed to you the second time. And you said no. Was it because it wasn't romantic enough?" He said.

"That's because you proposed the second day I told you the rules, which was also the third day we started dating. Who does that?" I answered.

"It's not like we just met. We've been together before, remember, we almost got married," He said.

"Liam, that was five years ago. The best thing we got out of that relationship was Ian. It was amazing, but I want us to start over. I need you to understand me," I explained. He heaved a sigh.

"Fine, but you know I love you right?" He said with a little smile. "I know. I love you too," I replied and kissed passionately before leaving his penthouse.

It's hard sticking with the rules, but I need to create some boundaries this time.

It was Mother's Day and the boys promised to surprise me. Liam and Ian got some gifts for me. I'm so excited to open them.

I agreed to spend the night at his penthouse because of the surprise they had for me. I slept in one of the rooms in the penthouse.

Liam and Ian brought breakfast to my bed before I woke up. I smiled and thanked them. They both kissed me on my cheeks. I place a kiss all over Ian's face, making him giggle. He loves it when I do that.

Liam tickled him and Ian almost peed his pants. It's so adorable to watch.

After playing around they decided to give me my gifts. Ian gave me his first.

He gave me a beautiful Tiffany&co necklace with a blue diamond pendant.

"Ian, this is so beautiful," I said in a brittle voice trying to hold back my tears. This is the first Mother's Day I'm celebrating with my son and his father. "It's okay. Don't cry," Liam said, hugging me. Ian hugged me too and I gave him another kiss.

Liam also bought me a gift.

He brought out a small box. How many times do I have to tell Liam I'm not ready?

"Okay, before you freak out it's not an engagement ring," He said and I visibly relaxed.

I saw a hint of sadness in his eyes. I couldn't help but feel bad about it. He covered it up with a smile, and I smiled at him. I took the box from him and opened it. It was a beautiful pink heart-shaped ring with small diamonds around it.

"It's been months since we started dating again. I know you're not ready for another engagement, but I want you to have this. It's a promise ring. I just want you to always have it on. It will make me happy if you put it on until I replace it when you're ready" He spoke his mind gently. I smiled at him.

"Thank you for understanding. And I love the ring, thank you," I kissed him. "I love you," I said between the kiss and he smiled brightly. "I love you, Jane," He broke the kiss and put the ring on my finger.

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