The Winter Soldier

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Athena sat between Steve and Natasha as Sam drove them to the triskelion. All Sitwell could talk about was how he had screwed up. 

"HYDRA doesn't like leaks, They put him in the chair for days after you escaped" Sitwell told Athena. A guilty feeling rose to the surface but Steve's soothing hand on her back calmed her down. 

"Shut it" Sam snapped. "No one upsets my favourite thirteen year old sassy super soldier.

"But it's true, you know it you little shit" Sitwell muttered. 

"I'm a fucking goddess" Athena replied, which caused Sam to chuckled. 

"Insight's launching in sixteen hours, we're cutting it a little bit close here." Natasha said suddenly. 

"I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the Helicarriers directly." Steve said. 

"What?! Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea." Sitwell complained. 

Suddenly something or someone landed on the roof of the car and pulled Sitwell out through the window and threw him into traffic. 

"Not the dad-daughter reunion I had pictured but okay" Athena yelled in panic and bullets began to rain through the roof. 

"STOP THE FUCKING CAR" Athena yelled as she and Natasha held onto each other,both somehow sitting in the front seat. 

Sam hit the breaks and Bucky was thrown off the car and in front of them. His metal fingers dug into the ground effectively stopping him. 

"HELL YEAH THATS MY DAD! so awesome" Athena whispered the last part. 

Natasha took her gun to shoot Bucky, but something hit the car from behind, causing her to drop her gun. The car that hit them, pushed them forward, as Bucky ran toward them at full speed, jumping onto the roof and holding on. 

Sam tried to stop the car, but a metal arm appeared and took out the steering wheel. 

"SHIT!" Sam yelled and Natasha shot at the roof, but Bucky was already on the car behind them. 

"Wow I wonder if I'll ever look as cool as he does" Athena wondered out loud. 

"Not the time Thena" Steve said through gritted teeth, their car swerved and would've toppled over. Natasha grabbed Athena by her waist, but at the last moment Steve jumped forward and grabbing the other three they all got out the car by the means of falling on Steve's shield. 

Sam and Natasha rolled off somewhere, but Steve's grip on Athena's waist wasn't loosening. 

"I shouldn't brought you, I shouldn't have brought you" he chanted. 

"Shut up Steve, I'm actually stronger than you" Athena said as she got up and brushed her clothes. 

"Not dead you're not. Your dad's gonna kill me" Steve said.

Speaking of Bucky, he was currently aiming a gun at the two of them, but he hesitated. Then, he launched it at Steve, who ducked behind the shield along with Athena and they both flew off the bridge and into a bus accident. 

Groaning, Athena got up as the bus was being evacuated. 

"Steve! get up" she ordered, and he listened, he got to his feet just as gunshots started ringing. 

Both the super soldiers ran out the bus and ducked under the safety of Steve's shield. Steve then moved the shield so that the bullets would his the shooters instead and then ran toward the last shooter as Athena looked around for Bucky. 

"GO! I GOT THIS!" Sam yelled for Steve and Athena to find Bucky and Nat. 

A little further, Steve and Athena picked up their pace as they saw Natasha had gotten shot. Steve ran toward Bucky and Athena ran to Natasha.

"Not me! You know Steve's not as strong as him. It has to be you!" Nat told Athena. The raven haired girl nodded and ran to the fight. 

"HE'S BEAUTY, HE'S GRACE, HE'S MR UNITED STATES!" Athena yelled as she saw Steve fall down. Right then, Bucky had Steve's shield.

"THENA!" He yelled. Bucky threw the shield at Steve, but it stuck in the back of a van. Ignoring it, Steve ran toward Bucky, who took out a knife. 

"STEVE NO!" Athena knew how deadly Bucky was, and she definitely didn't want Steve going against Bucky. 

She ran faster and pushed the blond out of the way, which caused a cut on her right fore arm. She hissed with pain, but lunged for Bucky. 

This isn't training though

Even if she was supposed to be smarter and faster than Bucky, she could only manage to block his attacks, not daring to attack.

You could never hurt me doll.

Athena remembered Bucky's words and lunged for him. 

Bucky was crazy skilled with the knife, something she wasn't. And she deeply regretted it when she felt it slice her skin at her waist. Not a stab wound though, but not a paper cut either.

"AARGH" she screamed as she kicked him in the chest, then joined by Steve at last, she huffed. Steve however, charged at Bucky who was getting up. But again, Athena pushed Steve aside. She'd much rather fight Bucky herself than let him fight Steve. 

She jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist, Steve threw her the shield which she gratefully took and brought it downwards- flat side obviously over Bucky's head. 

Within a second, she had him pinned down with her knee on his chest and Steve standing behind her. 

"BUCKY IT'S ME! It's Nina! And Steve! Bucky stop" Athena pleaded, and Bucky did stop, he looked into her familiar eyes, which stung with incoming tears, there was something familiar about her. 

"Dad, I don't not love you" Athena whispered as her tears escaped. Bucky stood up in surprise, the man behind Athena was familiar too, if only he could remember... Steve, she had called him Steve. 

"I-I don't not love you too, doll" Bucky said after some hesitation. 

Athena ran at him, at first he thought she was going to hurt him again, but she only wrapped her arms around him. And he relaxed into the hug. 

"Natasha, don't" Steve said when he saw that she was going to shoot Bucky. 

"We good?" Nat asked Athena.

"Very good" Athena nodded as she wiped her tears. She then took off Bucky's muzzle like mask which she never like and sobbed into his uniform as he kissed her forehead. 

"Bucky" Steve breathed out. "When Thena said you were alive, I-I almost didn't believe her" 

Then it turned into a big bear hug, at least until Brock Rumlow and HYDRA's goons arrived.

"Drop the shield, Cap! On your knees! Get on your knees! Now! Get down! Get down!" Rumlow yelled. "Load 'em in" 

The HYDRA soldiers slapped handcuffs on all five and pushed them roughly in a van. 

"Don't touch her" Bucky warned the guard who pushed Athena in the van so that she fell to the floor.

The guard only took out their electric rod menacingly.

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