I'd be mad too if my brother was Harry Styles and I looked like...

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Athena was crouched behind some wreckage of the ring ship, next to Mantis. She had put on her red and yellow suit again to kick Thanos' ass. But truth be told- she was terrified, she was terrified of not knowing much about Thanos, terrified because- what if they underestimated him?

To distract her from her thoughts, she stared at Doctor Strange who was sitting on ruined stairs. She went over their plan again- Doctor Strange would distract the titan for some time and then they would ambush him. She wished they'd elaborated more on the ambush part, but all she could now do was focus. 

Athena gasped softly when a portal opened in front of Doctor Strange, it was pitch black in the middle and blue towards the end. Out through it stepped a large alien with vaguely humanoid form. His skin was a pinkish- purple and rough from its stone like look. Athena stared at his weird chin and would've laughed if he wasn't strong enough to kill her with a slap.

Somehow, he's using the tesseract to make portals

She thought. Thanos examined the wreckage of the ship, and Athena found herself staring at his left hand which was bearing a golden gauntlet with four different coloured stones- The infinity stones. 

Athena recognised what she supposed was the space stone- the stone that was in the tesseract. And Strange had told them the red one was the reality stone, the purple one was power and the orange one was soul

"Oh, yeah...you're much more of a "Thanos."" Strange spoke up, Thanos didn't seem startled but faced him with slight surprise. 

"I take it, the Maw is dead" Thanos said, his voice was deep, and Athena was surprised he spoke English, Strange only nodded in agreement. It was then Athena realised they were talking about squid dude. "This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission"

Thanos eyed the eye of Agamotto that hung on Doctor Strange's chest, which Athena knew held the time stone. 

"You may regret that. He brought you face-to-face with the Master of the Mystic Arts." Strange said arrogantly. 

"And where do you think he brought you?" Thanos asked, walking slowly toward Strange, a small noise of metal on metal made Athena look to the metal structure above Strange where Peter was hiding, if she didn't know he was there- she would've dismissed the sound like Thanos.

"Let me guess. Your home?" Strange asked. Athena now had a better look at the Titan and softly cursed herself for getting off the bus. 

"It was. And it was beautiful" Thanos smiled reminiscently, he curled his hand into a fist and the red stone started glowing, clearly being activated to show Strange how he remembered his home. 

Athena's eyes widened when she saw green lawns, intact buildings, strolling citizens and water filled ponds. She agreed with Thanos on that, it was beautiful

"Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, and not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution."

"Genocide" Strange almost said it like a question or a taunt. 

"But at random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a madman." Thanos said, and Athena resisted the urge to say- maybe because you are. "And what I predicted came to pass." 

Thanos relaxed his fist and the illusion faded to show the true state of Titan. 

"Congratulations. You're a prophet" Strange said sarcastically. 

"I'm a survivor." Thanos sounded like he was defending himself- trying to make Strange see reason. 

"Who wants to murder trillions."

"With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers," Thanos snapped with his ungloved (un-gauntleted?) hand. "and they would all cease to exist; I call that... mercy." Athena almost scoffed. 

And I call that insane

She thought.

Strange stood up, making his way to the Titan. "And then what?"

"I finally rest...and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe" 

So that's his plan? Murder and then retirement?

"The hardest choices require the strongest wills" If Athena didn't know better, she'd say Thanos almost looked sad. Like he had lost something or someone close to him. 

oh no

Athena realised what he had done, Thanos had probably killed his own daughter- Gamora. But for what?

"I think you'll find our will...equal...to yours." Doctor Strange spoke while conjuring shields and entering a fighting stance. 

"Ours?" Thanos asked, he looked up to see a large chunk of wreckage descending rapidly- being pushed downward by Tony. Thanos didn't react fast enough and was crushed under it although Athena could've sworn she saw him activate the purple stone. 

"Piece of cake Quill" Tony said flying in. 

"Yeah, if your goal was to piss him off!" Quill said, triggering his mask. Athena did the same and flew next to Tony. 

Everyone watched in horror as the wreckage Thanos was supposedly crushed under- erupted like a purple bomb. The pieces that flew apart though were hovering as if frozen mid explosion. Thanos bellowed in rage and turned the fragments into a flock of bats with the reality stone which swarmed Athena and Tony, driving them away. 

The bats mostly flew after Tony so Athena went to help the others who seemed to be struggling. Athena had thought Doctor Strange would be able to take on Thanos- but the purple raisin was far too strong, and inside her suit, Athena couldn't fight like she did. 

"Up here you big ugly purple bastard!" Athena exclaimed, hovering over Thanos, she blasted at him, but he shielded himself by using one of the stones, then the titan flung her away. 

Athena flew back into action, and looked for Peter who was already back on his feet. 

"Spidey- legs" Athena told him. He nodded and webbed Thanos' feet to restrict his movement. Athena distracted the titan by firing blast after blast at him, while Quill leapt toward Thanos using magical platforms that Strange was providing. 

Quill flipped over Thanos and stuck a mine on his back, Quill landed perfectly on his feet and turned off his helmet. 

"Boom!" Quill flipped him off and fell backwards into a portal. 

Athena chuckled to herself and spoke, "I think I have a new bff"

"Don't you get a new one every month?" Peter asked, but Athena only shrugged. 

The explosion from the mine knocked Thanos to his knees and dazed him for a moment, but a moment was all Athena needed, she extended a blade out of her suit and kicked Thanos so he was laying on his back. She stared at his ugly face and wanted to plunge her blade into his heart, but Thanos again used an infinity stone to slam her into a wall. 

"Do not let him close his fist." Athena heard Strange mutter to his cloak before coming to her to help her up. 

I love that Athena gets a new bff everytime she meets someone new... it's sort of her thing now even though I didn't plan it. 

Anyways... have a nice day and see you later hopefully. And check out my other books. They're based on Harry Potter and Percy Jackson.


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