This would be a cool way to die

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"Stone?" Athena asked... "Wait like an infinity stone?"

Stephen looked at Athena with a slight smirk, "She's quick to catch on... and dare I say, smarter than you Stark"

"She's smarter than anyone I know" Peter smiled. 

"Basically, my dear Thena- Big bang creates six stones- Space, Time, Soul, Mind, Power and Reality. Thanos- a mad titan wants a jewellery collection to wipe out half the universe" Tony grumbled. 

"We've already come across two of these- Space and Mind... Space is on Asgard and Mind is safe with Vision" Athena assured him. 

"Thena... Thanos, he was after the attack on New York- he's even stronger than the Hulk" Tony sighed. 

"Well fuck" 

"I need to protect the time stone" Strange said irritably. 

"And I want you to thank me now. Go ahead, I'm listening." Tony said. 

"For what? Nearly blasting me into space?" Strange rolled his eyes. 

"Who just saved your magical ass? Me." Tony answered his own question. 

"And us" Athena added, but shut up when Tony gave her a look. 

"I seriously don't know how you fit your head into that helmet." Strange said. 

"Admit it. You should have ducked out when I told you to. I tried to bench you. You refused."

"Unlike everyone else in your life, I don't work for you." 

"The egos of these two are a recipe for disaster" Athena whispered to Peter. 

"And due to that fact, we're now in a flying doughnut billions of miles away from Earth with no backup." Tony continued his argument. 

Peter raised his and Athena's entwined hands, "We're back up" 

"No. You're stowaways" Tony waggled his finger between him and Strange. "The adults are talking." 

"I'm sorry, I'm confused as to the relationship here. Wh-- what is he... your ward?" Strange asked. 

"No, I'm Peter by the way.. and this is Athena" Peter introduced them. 

"This ship is self-correcting its course. Thing's on autopilot." Tony said, ignoring Peter and Strange. 

"Can we control it? Fly us home?" Strange asked but Tony gave no response. Athena then realised what Tony was going to suggest. 

"Tony no! we can't go to Thanos!" 

"Under no circumstance can we bring the Time Stone to Thanos. I don't think you quite understand what's at stake here" Strange caught on.

Tony stalked to Strange with a troubled expression, "No. It's you who doesn't understand, that Thanos has been inside my head for six years since he sent an army to New York and now he's back! And I don't know what to do. So I'm not so sure if it's a better plan to fight him on our turf or his but you saw what they did, what they can do. At least on his turf, he's not expecting it. So I say we take the fight to him. Doctor. Do you concur?"  Tony and Strange were so close now that if Athena didn't know better, she'd say they were about to kiss.

"Tony-" Athena was cut off by Strange. 

"Alright, Stark. We go to him. But you have to understand... if it comes to saving you or the kids or the Time Stone... I will not hesitate to let any of you die. I can't, because the fate of the universe depends on it."

Athena shrugged, Strange's argument made sense. If it were the universe or her, she'd rather die.

"Nice. Good. Moral compass. We're straight."  

"Not all of us are... but okay" Athena mumbled, "Tony... we should head back to Earth... Dad, Steve, Wanda, Pietro, Sam, Nat, Vision- they can help us." she tried to reason, but Tony walked to Peter and formally tapped both his shoulders with the edge of his hand. 

"Alright, kid. You're an Avenger now." 

Athena watched as Peter's expression turned from confusion to disbelief and then to satisfaction, pride and delight. He looked over to her and gave her a wide smile. Athena walked to him and kissed him for a moment. 

"Welcome to the Avengers, Spidey" She smirked. 

"Oh Gross, I did not want to see that" Tony covered his eyes comedically. 

"Shut up Tony" Athena rolled her eyes. 


Athena and Strange spent the next half an hour trading stories, she told him about HYDRA and Bucky, and her adventures with the Avengers, while he talked about Kamar Taj and basically everything he had learnt there. Athena had a hard time understanding because she was so used to the scientific aspect of everything, but was intrigued nevertheless. In comparison though, Strange didn't get along with her boy friend or Tony. 

Now they were approaching the planet- Titan, the front view port showed the rapidly approaching surface of the planet. Athena realised they were about to crash. 

"Hey, what's going on?" Peter asked. 

"I think we're here" Strange answered. 

"I don't think this rig has a self-park function." Tony started talking urgently, he turned to the two and pointed at them, "Both of you, get your hands into this steering gimbal. Close those around it. You understand?"

Peter and Athena slid their hands in the opposite gimbals and closed it around their hands. "Yep" they said in unison. 

"This was meant for one big guy, so you gotta to move at the same time." That would be easy, because the two already acted very much in sync.

"Okay. Okay. Ready."

Athena inhaled shakily as she and Peter began to pull. Her eyes widened as the ring-ship headed for the centre of what looked like a colossal game of jacks. 

"We might wanna turn. Turn!" She said urgently. 

Athena armoured up as the ship clipped the "jack". The ship began shaking violently and Athena saw Peter put on his nanotech mask. Strange, expecting a harsh landing, stepped in front of them and created a shield around them. 

The ship kept losing parts and Athena saw at least a third of the ship fall next to it. The ship plowed through the dirt and stopped, leaning slightly to one side. Athena relaxed and took her hand out of the steering gimbal. She flew into Peter's arms and whispered, "I guess we're here"

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