The Vulture

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Athena was hiding in the beams of a bridge while Peter stuck to the bridge beside her. They watched what looked like a weapons deal, although the client was looking quiet uncomfortable.

"Okay, okay, okay. I got what you need, all right? I got tons of great stuff here. One sec." The guy in the beanie rummaged through the back of a van filled with strange weapons. 

"Okay, I got, uh, black hole grenades, Chitauri railguns..." He trailed off. 

"You letting off shots in public now? Hurry up. Look, times are changing. We're the only ones selling these high tech weapons." The bald guy told the buyer. 

"Oh, this must be where the ATM robbers got their stuff." Peter whispered to Athena. 

"I need something to stick up somebody. I'm not trying to shoot them back in time" The buyer held up his hands. 

"I got anti-grav climbers." Beanie guy told him, which seemed to spark an interest. 

"Yo, climbers?" He moved toward the van. 

Suddenly a yodelling ringtone played loudly and Athena almost fell down in surprise. She glared at Peter who shrugged and disconnected the call that was from Ned. Peter then  fell to the ground behind the alarmed weapons dealers. Athena groaned and also back flipped off the beams and landed next to Peter. 

 "Hey! Hey, come on. You gonna shoot at somebody, shoot at me." Peter said because beanie guy was aiming a gun at the buyer dude. 

"All right." Baldy aimed the gun at Peter instead, but Peter managed to shoot a web at the gun and pull it toward him.

Of course the idiot then had to run toward the van and away from the gun, Athena picked it up and brushed away the web. She looked up just in time to see the beanie dude punch Peter backward with a shock glove. 

"Hey, no one touches my favourite spider" Athena aimed the gun and shot beanie guy in his right leg. But it didn't matter because he jumped in the back of the van which Baldie had apparently started. 

Athena ran to keep up with the van while Peter was getting dragged. 

The beanie dude did not stop there either, he kept shooting at the two heroes to the point that Athena found it unsafe to keep running. She ran a bit faster and leapt into the air gracefully, then slammed hard into the roof because she got shot in her left leg. 

"Argh! Stupid beanie dude" She groaned and pulled her legs to her chest. She dug her fingers into the metal under her and created indents where she could place her fingers and not fall off. 

Athena examined the wound, it was bleeding already and hurt way worse than a normal gunshot- that's because it wasn't a normal bullet, but a ball of purple energy. 

"Shadow you okay?" Peter called out, he was still getting dragged, but the van now only had one door.

"Never been better Spidey" she winced as she got into a crouched position. Then holding the edges of the van she swung herself inside the van and kicked beanie dude in his chest. He groaned on the floor so Athena turned to Peter and tried to pull on the web to get him in too. 

But Beanie dude was already on his feet and slammed the shock gauntlet in her back, sending her tumbling out of the van. 

It seemed Peter was also now stranded on the road, not getting dragged anymore. They gave each other knowing looks and ran to take a shortcut.


Somehow both the superheroes caught up with the van despite taking different routes, Athena and Peter were running on the roof of a house, parallel to the van. 

"Almost there" Peter whispered.

"Now!" Athena yelled, they jumped off the roof, hoping to land on the van. 

Then before Athena could comprehend what was happening, she felt metal claws piercing her skin at her shoulders and instead of falling down, she was getting further and further fro the ground. 

"Shadow!" Peter yelled as he landed on the van, he shot a web at her leg and accidentally caught her left leg. She cried out in pain and Peter apologised, but not before also getting dragged into the air. 

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" Athena panicked. She was too distracted to try to get out of the weird metal grip.

Athena looked up to see a man in a weird suit with wings. Unlike Sam's, this bird guy's wing were fitted with turbines that allowed him to fly. But it would seem it made the suit too heavy and not that effective for dives like Sam's.

The man then looked down at her with glowing green eyes, of course it wasn't his actual face- just his mask. But it was terrifying, getting dragged through the air with the metal claws digging into her collarbone, shoulder blade and dangerously close to the base of her neck.

"What the hell?" Peter asked, now shooting for her right leg so he wouldn't cause Athena more pain. But he missed and Athena felt a tug on her already hurting leg.

"Don't. mess. with. me" The wings dude was looking a lot like a vulture in the moon light, Athena couldn't even come up with a witty retort or an insult.

Suddenly a parachute in Peter's suit activated and caused him to fall, effectively pulling Athena with him. 

"Spidey!" Athena yelled in panic as she fell through the air, her closest companion- tangled in a white parachute. 

The wind was rushing past her ears swiftly and Athena felt tears prickle at the back of her eyes, this was a bit much for her.

She tried to get closer to Peter but  with her arms flailing every which way, it was hard. The ground too was getting too close- but thankfully it wasn't ground at all- it was a lake. 

"Peter!" Athena yelled just before she slammed into the ice cold water. Every inch of her ached and stung with the cold. She looked around her and saw a thrashing white sheet. 


her mind screamed. Unfortunately she hadn't taken a breath before falling in the water and regretted it as she felt her lungs asking for more air. 

A flash of red and yellow distracted her as an Iron man suit plunged into the water too. Athena almost breathed a sigh of relief before remembering that she was underwater. 

The suit grabbed her by her waist and Peter's general form and ascended. When they broke the water surface Athena took in a panicked breath and looked to her left where Peter was unconscious. 

"Pete" She croaked. 

Athena || Peter ParkerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora