They found squidward, now where's Spongebob?

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"Hey Nina, remember you need to stay at Peter's today and possibly tomorrow" Bucky reminded Athena as she stepped out of the car. He had told her the night before that Steve wanted to check up on Wanda and Bucky would be going with him. 

"Yeah I know dad, I need to go.. today's the field trip I don't want to be late" Athena said impatiently getting out of the car. 

"I know, I know, but you- will be sleeping on the upper bunk" Bucky pointed a finger at her. "I don't want you and Parker to... you know what" 

"EW gross, dad!"Athena exclaimed. "Of course not"

"I'll call you when we meet up with Wanda, don't keep your phone on silent!" Bucky called after her as she ran inside the school building. 

--- Time skip because I have never been to a school in America and don't know how field trips there work---

Athena had leaned her head on Peter's shoulder as she listened to music with him, she hummed along while Peter played with her hair, they were on their way to  MoMA

"I really love your hair" He admitted. 

"And I love yours, how is it so brown and fluffy?" Athena chuckled and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Suddenly the hair on his arm stood up, Peter looked out the window and motioned for Athena to do the same. 

She expected Iron Man, zooming around or an Avenger, what she didn't expect was a donut like space ship descending in the city. 

Athena's eyes widened and she reached Peter's hand, she looked around the bus but no one had noticed it yet. Peter reached blindly over his seat and tapped Ned who was sitting in front of them. 

"Ned, hey. I need you to cause a distraction." Peter gave Athena a nod, a silent confirmation about what they were going to do. 

Ned looked out the window and understood what he had to do, he got up and exclaimed loudly- "Holy shit! We're all gonna die! There's a spaceship!" 

All the students thankfully scrambled to the back of the bus to get a better look at the ship, which meant Peter and Athena were free. Peter slid on his Stark-made web shooter and shot a web at the emergency exit. With a quick pull, the exit opened and Athena- now with her goggles on and Peter jumped out of the bus. 

Thankfully Peter caught hold of Athena before she could fall onto the road, he was sticking to the side of the bus. Athena helped him put on his mask and  with one arm around his girl friend, Peter jumped off the bridge. 

Soon the two made their way to the ship. From the distance Athena saw Tony in his Iron Man suit fighting an alien creature. The creature in question was about to land a blow on Tony since he had fallen, but Athena and Peter blocked the hammer like weapon.

"Hey, man." Of course Peter talked to the Alien, then he turned to Tony. "What's up, Mr. Stark?

"Where did you two come from?" Tony asked them. 

"Field trip to MoMA!-" Peter was cut off by the Alien simply flinging him away. 

"Spidey!" Athena almost ran to him but the Alien flung her away. 

The two instantly jumped back into action though. Athena took out her staff, and searched for a chink in the alien's defense, when she couldn't- she resorted to throwing rocks and cars. 

"What's this guy's problem Tony?" Athena asked as she punched the Alien in his face, but he didn't even budge. 

"He's from space. He came here to steal a necklace from a wizard." Tony's explanation made no sense but Athena knew better than to stop for a chat. 

Suddenly something flew past Athena, almost knocking her off her feet. "What the fuck?" 

"That's the wizard. Get on it." 

"On it!" Peter swung after the wizard and then remembered his girl friend. He let her hold onto him and swung after the wizard again. 

But when he was hit by a bill board, Peter and Athena flew apart. Athena had to follow on foot, still she was keeping up with the squid like alien. 

Athena's eyes widened when the alien bent street lamps and traffic signals to catch hold of the wizard, it worked, but the lamp only snagged the wizard's cloak. Peter quickly grabbed hold of the unconscious wizard before he could hit the ground, before he could get away though a blue light began to pull him upward. 

Athena hurled a piece of broken car at the squid dude, but he cut it easily- letting the two halves fall to the ground beside him. She realised she wasn't a match for him and made her way to Peter who was holding on to a lamp. 

"Spidey, web" Athena ordered, Peter understood and Peter let go of the lamp momentarily before firing a web at her. She wrapped her hand around the web string and pulled with all her might. 

"Pesky children" The squid dude said appearing by Athena's side. He willed the road underneath her to float upward and there was nothing she could do about it. 

The two teenagers started flying upward, but trying to get closer to each other. 

" Uhhh, Mr. Stark? We're being beamed up!" Peter said. 

"Hang on, kids" Came Tony's voice through their comms. 

Somewhere along their way, they lost the wizard and the two were scaling the outside of the ship looking for an entrance. Peter having a natural stickiness was luckier, Athena- not so much. Not only was her breathing quick, it was also very difficult. She hated heights and now she was as high up as she had ever been, but she didn't let her fear show. 

"Pete, Thena, you gotta let go. I'm gonna catch you."

"But you said- wizard" Athena wheezed. 

" I can't breathe!" Peter exclaimed beside her. 

"You're too high up. You're running out of air." Athena wished Tony hadn't said that, because now she wanted to look down. 

"Yeah! That makes sense" Peter nodded. 

"No shit Sherlock" Athena asked sarcastically, "Sorry, sarcasm keeps my mind away from- OH MY GOD WE'RE REALLY HIGH UP!" 

Yep, she looked down. 

Athena tried to take even breaths, but it was harder and harder the further up they went. Then she noticed Peter lose consciousness. He slipped and fell back. 


Thankfully a pod attached to his back... expanding into a suit, soon another pod raced past it and attached to Athena's back too, a helmet closed around her face and she could suddenly breathe again.

Athena looked down and thankfully Peter was still there, just some distance back. She started making her descent to him.

"Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here!" Athena heard him, she shook her head until she realised it did smell like a new car. 

"Happy trails, kid. F.R.I.D.A.Y, send them home" Tony said. Before Athena could protest a parachute extended from their suits, snatching them from the ship's hull and sending them spiralling back to Earth. 

"OH, COME ON!" Peter yelled.

Athena || Peter ParkerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt