Thanos kinda looks like Josh Brolin

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"Strange- have you ever seen that really old movie- The Empire Strikes back?" Strange looked at her- strangely and shook his head as they watched the cloak wrap itself around Thanos' gauntlet.

Strange ignored Athena and instead and began opening portals for her and Peter to jump through and attack. 

"Magic!" Peter exclaimed as he punched Thanos and disappeared through another portal. 

"Fuck you!" Athena kicked his bald head, which caused him to stumble a bit. She then disappeared, appearing by Strange's side. 

"More magic!" Peter said as he reappeared again, he yanked Thanos' head down-hard and kicked him in his stomach before disappearing again. 

"Strange, listen to me" Athena pleaded. 

But Strange was focused on Peter. 

"Magic with a kick" Peter delivered an awesome kick and vanished into another portal. 

Athena blasted again at the titan for him to take his mind off Spidey. But Thanos ignored her instead and then when Peter appeared through another portal, he clasped his hand around his neck. 

"Magic with a-"

Thanos slammed him into the ground, tightening his grip on his neck. 

"Insect" Thanos said at the same time Athena charged. 

Thanos flung Peter away and onto Strange, knocking him off his feet. 

"Listen here you pathetic excuse for a grape" Athena told him as she pinned him to the ground, using his weight against him. She did have one advantage this time- that Thanos couldn't use the gauntlet. 

"No one...." Athena punched him in the face repeatedly. 

"Touches..." She drew her blade and was going to stab Thanos, but he moved so instead, the blade cut off his left ear. 

"Peter" Athena said as she kicked Thanos in his face before being flung away. 

She got up, a stabbing pain in her side which she couldn't ignore. Peter somehow appeared by her side and picked her up, the two took cover as they watched Thanos rip off the cloak off his gauntlet. Thankfully Tony made his entrance then with a lot of bombs. 

"Strange!" Athena called, tearing her attention away from Tony. "Listen to me, just cut his hand off!" 

Peter's eyes lit up, "Oh, so that's what you were talking about- Luke!" 

"Yeah" Athena sighed, Strange paused to think, possibly thinking why he hadn't thought of it before. 

"Okay" Strange agreed, but before he could make a portal- a small ship had come up behind the titan. It collided to the ground at an attempt to crush Thanos, who was dragged along for a while and buried under the debris.

Thanos stood up, just as the pilot leapt over him, punching him in the process. The pilot landed in front of him with an energy blade in hand. 

"Well, well." Thanos spoke as recognition flashed over his features. 

"You should have killed me." The pilot spoke in a feminine voice, Athena watched in awe as the blue woman battled the titan bravely. 

"Where's Gamora?!"

But Thanos merely punched her away. Strange chose that time to join the battle, he opened a portal and forced Thanos' left hand through it. Before he could close the portal and cut it off though- Thanos used the power stone to knock Strange out. 

Athena joined too, with Drax who kicked Thanos in his knee from behind and wrapping himself around it. Athena decided to hold Thanos' right hand and ducked when she saw a punch coming her way, she had to let go though but kicked the titan in his chest and stood over him as Strange recovered enough to wrap glowing red bands around the gauntlet. 

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