Try not to get stabbed

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Athena was short on breath, the pool of blood only getting bigger by the second and all she could do was cry. Cry because she brought this on herself, cry because she was stupid and reckless and cry because of the pain and if Peter- oh god Peter. 

"PETER" She screamed, her throat hurt but so did everything. When she got no response, she cried even harder, Tony was right, she was in way over her head. 

That was the moment Athena realised no one was coming to rescue her, there was no Steve, no Tony, no Bucky, no Peter... only her. Her cries soon turned into anger, anger for Adrian who was ready to kill them for a heist, anger for being stupid, she felt the raw anger rising through her. 

Athena felt along her back once more and with a small and stupid plan in her head, she pulled out the iron beam making her let out an agonising scream. 

"THEA?" Her heart just about stopped when she heard Peter. She crouched on her knees and with a new found strength lifted a concrete block that was blocking her escape. 

She stumbled over the wreckage with her bleeding stab wound, until she found Peter under some debris, thankfully still alive. 

She crouched in front of him ignoring the pain the wound she had was causing her. 

"Thea" Peter sighed in relief when he saw her, he was trapped between a concrete block and a large rock, that were squashing him. He was breathing heavily and had tears streaming down his face. 

"Peter" Athena's lower lip quivered, but she tried to mask it, she took off his mask which was making breathing difficult and cupped his cheek in her hand.

"Look at me, look at me Spidey." She winced which went thankfully unnoticed by Peter, she knew that the debris on top of him was too heavy for her to lift alone. 

"I'm going too need you to lift this stupid piece of rock with me, can you do that Peter?" She asked, trying to keep her voice from cracking. Peter nodded slightly and so Athena got up from he place in front of him to look for a nice hold on the concrete beam. 

"Thea, I can't move.. I'm sorry, HELP" Peter sobbed as Athena did he best with her wounds bleeding everywhere. 

"Don't be sorry, Peter, everything's gonna be fine" Athena exhaled shakily trying to convince herself. 

"I can't move, I can't move" 

"Peter, you can do this.. I know you can... Just take a deep breath and help me pick this rock up" Athena told him 

"Okay, okay, I can do this, I can do this" Athena heard Peter chanting. Then she dug her fingers underneath the debris and lifted with all her might, the stone moved a bit but not enough for Peter to come out.

"Come on, Peter. Come on, Spider-Man. Come on, Spider-Man. Come on, Spider-Man. Come on, Spider-Man!" The rocks began to move as Peter pushed up with his back. Groaning, he let out a painful scream that told Athena just how much work he was doing more than her. 

She tried a different approach and knelt to the ground, then with her palms touching the rock she slowly got up. With their combined strength, Peter who was now standing up finally freed himself from the debris.

They both just stood for a moment, breathing quickly and staring at each other before Athena doubled down and threw up at her feet. 

"Hey, hey, hey, are you okay?" Peter asked coming to her side, thankfully he still hadn't seen the wound from the beam that stabbed right through her and nor the blood. 

"I'm fine" Athena lied. 

"You're a terrible liar" Peter gave her a small smile. 

"Look there he is" Athena pointed (swaying slightly) at the Vulture who was perched on a billboard. "Spidey, you need to stop him. I can't- I'm, everything hurts" Athena admitted. 

"I can't just leave you here" Peter said, almost draping an arm around her but Athena moved, she didn't want him to worry about her. 

"You need to, I'll be fine... I swear I'll go straight home" Athena promised. That made Peter feel better because he gave her a nod, but paused. 

"Actually, no... stay here. I'll come back." Peter stopped again. "Can I give you a kiss?" 

Athena chuckled at his flustered state, and Peter kissed her cheek.

Smiling like a mad man, Peter swung toward the vulture who was spreading his wings- ready for flight. 

Athena collapsed when she couldn't see Peter anymore, everything was moving even though she wasn't. How much blood had she lost?

She lay there, exhausted and in pain. Every inch of her body was in pain, her legs were sore, her arms ached from lifting, her head ache hurt so much, she just wanted to bang her head on a stone to make it stop. 

After what seemed hours, a black shape walked toward her. Didn't she tell Peter she'd go home? Maybe it was Peter, or someone who could help. 

"Help" she croaked lamely, her voice surely not audible to the figure standing quite a bit away. But it seemed that it did, the figure ran closer. 

"Thea, hey... I'm here, I'm here, I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have left you" It was Peter and Athena almost cried tears of joy. "Shit, you're bleeding- when- how, I- Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's fine, tell me you got him" Athena asked and Peter nodded, she breathed a sigh of relief. "Just... a hospital might be a good idea"

"Of course, you think you can stand up?" Peter asked. 

Athena tried to get to her feet, but couldn't keep her balance and had to lean on Peter for support, the effort was too much and Athena passed out.

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