They should've listened to Tony

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Peter swung skilfully, connecting both halves of the ship together with his webs. He dodged flames and fired all kinds of webs, from splitter webs to web grenades. 

Athena however was lifting a pillar off an agent who was trapped, he thanked her and ran away. Athena dropped the pillar and ran the length of the ship, stopping only to see if someone was hurt or trapped. 

She also had to jump across to the other half of the ferry once to help a young boy who almost fell into the gap. 

"Spidey, how are we looking?" Athena asked as she stopped to catch her breath. 

"Good, good" But it sounded like he was convincing himself. Then the webs began to snap, the ferry began to move apart again. Athena watched in horror as the two halves began tilting and all the cars on the ferry washed away. 

Peter fired two, thicker than normal webs. Arms outstretched with his back to Athena who was on the top floor now, he hung between the two halves trying to hold them together. 

Athena had to give him credit for trying, but trying wasn't going to save lives. The ship was already sinking and so were people. 

Suddenly the two halve started moving together. 

"What the fudge?" Athena asked, then her eyes widened when she saw an Ironman suit outside the ferry, pushing the two halves together. 

She was overcome by guilt of lying to Tony and what would've happened if he hadn't come in the nick of time. 

"Hi Spider-man, Shadow" He tilted his head. "Band practice was it?" 

Several drones arrived and helped Ironman push the halves together. Ironman then began flying around and welding the ferry together, Peter swung after him but Athena knew better so she stayed where she was asking if anyone was hurt. 

Athena sighed and visibly relaxed when she saw the rescue boats and helicopters arrive, she sat down and gave everyone a sad smile. 

"I'm sorry" She breathed out. "This wasn't supposed to happen" 

The little boy whom she had helped, sat down next to her. He had soft blond hair and bright green eyes that lit up when he smiled at her. Athena was surprised and gulped guiltily. 

"Don't be sorry, you saved me! You and Spider-man helped all of us! Thank you" He gave her a hug and  toothy smile. 

"No, thank you Henry" Athena hugged him back.


Athena and Peter were sitting on the edge of a building without their masks, Athena was running her hands through her hair when the Iron man suit flew toward them. The two superheroes turned to face him. 

"Previously on Peter and Athena Screw the Pooch: I tell you to stay away from this." Peter turned back to the sight of helicopters flying around, but Athena turned fully facing Tony and jumped off the ledge to walk toward him.

"Instead, you hacked multi-million-dollar suits so you could sneak around behind my back doing the one thing I told you not to do."

The suit was still hovering, but the venom in Tony's voice made Athena take a step back. 

"Is everyone okay?" Peter asked, not looking at Tony. 

"No thanks to you" Tony shot. 

"No thanks to us?" Peter was angry, he jumped off the ledge and joined Athena. As Peter walked closer, Tony's suit descended.

"Those weapons were out there, and we tried to tell you about it. But you didn't listen. None of this would've happened if you had just listened to us, maybe not me, but Thea at least." Peter sighed shakily and ran a hand through his hair. 

"Pete" Athena lay a hand on his shoulder. 

"If you even cared, you'd actually be here." Peter said dejectedly. What he didn't expect was for Tony to actually be there. But he was, the suit opened up and Tony took a few steps menacingly. Peter was so shocked that he took a few steps back.

"I did listen, kid. Who do you think called the FBI, huh?" Tony asked Peter and then turned to Athena, "And you, Athena you're supposed to be better. I told you, you don't understand, but do you ever listen?" 

"I-" Athena opened her mouth, not to argue but to agree, still Tony cut her off. 

"I've done everything for you, you can't even listen to a single instruction?" Tony asked her, for a second a horrifying thought entered her mind- Tony had paid for almost every thing she and Bucky owned, he could take it back. But she dismissed it, Tony wouldn't do that... right?

"I'm sorry" was all she replied with. 

"A sorry isn't going to cut it Athena." He then turned to regard them both, "What if somebody had died tonight? Different story, right? 'Cause that's on you. And if you both died, I feel like that's on me"

"Tony..." Athena said, but Tony tried to cut her off again, "No, wait just listen to me please. The guy with the wings I think I reco-" 

"Nope, that's not how this works" Tony said, "You're supposed to be the smart one, the mature one... " 

"I know but-" 

"And you Mr. Parker" Tony ignored Athena and instead regarded Peter. "I chose you for Germany because you had potential, but now you've proved me wrong"

"I understand. I just wanted to be like you" Peter told Tony and with the desperate look on his face Athena knew he was being genuine. 

"And I wanted you to be better." Tony paused, "Okay, it's not working out. I'm gonna need the suits back.

"No, Tony" Athena said at the same time Peter asked- "For how long?" 

Tony ignored Athena again and instead answered Peter's question. "Forever, and that counts the staff too"

"No, no, please Tony" Athena sighed because she knew she couldn't change his mind. 

"No, no, no... Please, please, please..." Peter also tried, but Tony didn't budge from his decision.

"Yeah. Yeah, that's how it works." He told the two. "Let's have it."

"You don't understand. Please. This is all I have. I'm nothing without this suit." Peter was practically begging. 

"If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it. Okay? God, I sound like my dad." Tony shook his head.  

Peter then seemed to accept it and swallowed. 

"Tony, just promise me you'll look into the vulture guy" Athena tried, if she was going to have her suit taken away, the least she could do was make sure the bad guys were caught. 

"No, I don't have to promise anything" Tony gave her a stern look. 

"They've been stealing for years Tony! from clean ups like New York, they're using alien tech-"

"Suit" Tony demanded. Athena turned her gaze down. 

"I.. I don't have any clothes right now" Athena told him. 

"me neither" Peter said and Athena wanted to just give him a hug when she saw his face. He looked like a kicked puppy on the verge of tears, she knew how much being Spider-man mattered to him and to have it taken away-

"Okay, we'll sort that out."

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