George Weasley

634 16 3

Athena was helped from under a piece of moon rock by Tony who hugged her as soon he realised she was okay. 

"Stop doing stupid things Thena" He whispered, but then they both turned to the titan who was battling it out with Strange. Tony flew in, and Athena followed, but a bit too late though because Strange lay on a rock, passed out. 

Tony slammed a red and gold device on the titan's palms which braced his fingers open, and the two red and gold avengers made a swift entrance. 

"You throw another moon at me, and I'm gonna lose it." Tony sounded just about done with Thanos' bullshit, but now exhaustion was creeping into them both and Athena wasn't sure how long they could keep it up. 

"Stark" Thanos acknowledged, Athena knew he was a bad guy, but the least he could do was say hi to her too. 


"You know me?" Tony asked. 

"I do, you're not the only one cursed with knowledge" 

Bitch you called a spider an insect- you're not that smart

"My only curse is you" Tony said, just as small rockets popped out of the two suits and launched themselves at Thanos. 

"COME ON!" The rockets eventually found their target and shrouded the titan in smoke and explosions. Before it could clear though, Athena flew toward Thanos, using the super jet boot configuration- feet first. She slammed her feet into his chest and bounced off, she flipped and landed next to Tony who had reconfigured his boots into ground clamps for stability and his gloves into rocket driven battering rams, punching Thanos into a ruined wall behind him. 

Thanos recovered quickly and reached forward to tear Athena's helmet and then punching her backwards, Her head slammed hard into something and she felt blood dripping down her neck and a whole load of pain. Her skull was on fire- no it was split into two- it was hard to think straight. 

Athena got up, with great effort determined not to let Tony fight Thanos alone, but she knew it was stupid because the ground swayed beneath her feet and she fell again. 

"All that for a drop of blood" Athena heard Thanos. 

"I cut your ear off, you dollar store George Weasley!" Athena panted, her vision was coming back to her slowly and she leaned on Tony for support. 

It seemed, Thanos' main focus was Tony because he totally forgot about Athena- not that she could do anything except cry in pain. 

Thanos smiled briefly before punching Tony, sending him pinwheeling, the titan started beating him with his fists. Tony attempted to block the blows, but Thanos was relentless, he picked the billionaire by the helmet and blasted his midsection with the power stone. 

"Tony!" Athena tried to shout but she collapsed into familiar hands. 

"Thea, hey are you okay?" Peter asked. 

Athena only sobbed, while her eyes focused and unfocused all involuntarily. She lay there, for what seemed hours but were only seconds. When she was positive she could see well, she allowed Peter to help her to her feet. 

"Stop!" Strange called out, Athena focused on him, he looked completely defeated and damaged. "Spare his life... and I will give you the stone"

Spare who's life?

Athena turned to Thanos and almost tried to fight again, because the purple titan stood over Tony, bleeding from his stomach wound where a blade went clean through him. Thanos had won, he defeated Earth's and the Galaxy's defenders. 

"No tricks." Thanos said, the sorcerer shook his head and Thanos pointed the gauntlet at him instead. 

"Don't...!"Tony managed, blood coming out of his mouth. 

Strange reached up and plucked the time stone out of its hiding place in the stars- an illusion obviously. He opened his hands, the scars on his fingers and their trembling particularly obvious now, and the stone floated to Thanos' bare hand. Athena watched with dread as he took the stone and dropped it into the thumb setting, the energy making the titan wince. 

"One to go" Thanos said as multiple energy blasts hit the gauntlet. The titan grimaced in surprise, and then multiple shots followed- not seeming to hurt the titan at all. Thanos didn't even bother to respond and instead walked backwards through a portal, causing Quill to fly through the space where the titan had previously been and crash into debris. 

"Where is he?" Quill asked as Peter picked Athena up and hurried to Tony who was stitching up his wound to the best of his abilities. 

Athena gave him a small hug, scared she would hurt him. For the first time since she knew him- Tony Stark was scared, he drew in small breaths and trembled fearfully or from the injury. 

"Did we just lose?" Quill asked, his tone had lost its fury and was now afraid. Athena stalked up to him, stumbling slightly but gave him a hard slap anyways, which Quill accepted without resistance.

"Why would you do that?" Tony turned to Strange with a defeated look. 

"We're in the Endgame now." Strange said grimly, but Athena realised everything he did was for a win in the end. She hoped, now more than ever that they would win again, the Avengers always did. 

With that thought she collapsed again. 

Athena || Peter ParkerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt