I don't feel so good...

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Several minutes had passed and Athena was now on her feet, leaning heavily on Peter, who kept kissing her temples and assuring her it wasn't her fault. 

Athena turned to Tony who had retracted his armour into his arc reactor, for once she wanted someone to tell her what to do. She was lost, they HAD lost. 

"Somethings... happening" Mantis said, they all watched in horror as she faded to dust. Athena gasped in shock and she could feel Peter move away from her, so she leaned on Tony, or rather they leaned on each other. 

Quill looked back to see the same thing happen to Drax, "Quill?" he said fearfully. So Thanos had really done it, he snapped away half of all life. 

The ones remaining stared at each other in horror, waiting to see who was next. 

"Steady Quill" Tony told Quill who was also slowly fading and panicking.

"Aw man" was the last thing he said before he disintegrated. 

"Tony..." Athena asked, hot tears forming in her eyes. But another voice grabbed their attention. "Tony, there was no other way." 

Strange spoke calmly for someone who was dying, and when he finally truened to dust Athena hid her face in Tony's chest. 

"Thea? Mr. Stark?" Athena and Tony  turned to Peter, her heart plummetted when she realised what was happening. "I don't feel so good..." His voice broke as he stared at his hands and then at the two. 

"You're all right?" Tony's voice shook and Athena realised how much he meant to both of them. Peter stumbled panicked into both their arms. 

"I don't know what's -- I don't know what's happening. I don't-" Peter began to cry as he held Athena and Tony tight, the girl couldn't form words when she saw it was real- he really was fading away. 

"No... no, not you Peter- Spidey no" Athena's lower lip trembled and her eyes pricked. 

"I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go, Mr. Stark, please. Please, I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go.." Athena's eyes pooled with their own tears as she layed her boyfriend on the ground, crouching next to him, she saw how terrified he was of dying. 

"I love you" Athena spoke at last, her voice barely above a whisper, so slight she didn't realise she had spoken out loud until Peter replied, nodding slightly- his eyes red and his cheeks tear stained.

"I love you too" 

And then he turned to Tony, with a small burst of energy he spoke his last words- "I'm sorry"

Athena broke down once Peter faded, she curled herself into a ball and sobbed as the blue woman and Tony talked. She touched the ground where her boyfriend lay a couple seconds ago, wishing that this was a big prank or a dream. 

Athena closed her eyes, hoping that when she opened them, she'd be in her bed in her room, in her apartment with Bucky and Steve in the next room.

Oh shit, Bucky and Steve...  Aunt May, Ned... 

She wished it was her brain playing tricks on her because of her concussion, that when she reached school, Peter would give her a big hug as always and a small peck on her cheek. 

Except, she realised, this was real- Peter wasn't coming back. He would never hug her again, she would never kiss him again. 

It wasn't a nightmare, and Athena wished it had been her who had died instead of Peter.

Athena || Peter ParkerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin