Athena DOES NOT have a boyfriend

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"Well, if it isn't the man with the giant metal frisbee" 

"That's a terrible accent, what were you even going for?" Bucky stumbled a little when Athena knocked into him, wrapping her arms around him. He hated not being there for her always and meeting in increasingly ridiculous situations, but he was happy when they did meet. 

"German" She grinned at the three of them. "You know, like the vine-"

"Since when do you drink wine?" Sam scrunched his nose, but performed their intricate, super secret handshake. 

"Not wine, VINE. V-I-N-E" Athena stared at them incredulously. "Don't tell me you guys don't know vine.. you uncultured pigs"

"Hey! You can't call your dad a pig" Steve smiled. 

"Well he has stabbed me multiple times so I think it's only fair"

"Why do you keep bringing that up?" Bucky pretended to be offended, he even rolled his eyes. 

Athena only smiled. Perfectly imperfect family... she remembered Tony's words. Yeah, all families have their ups and downs. This was just not their time. 

The four of them stared at the van that made its way over to them. Athena related the story of how she tracked them down and even bragged about how easy it was, which earned her an eye roll from Sam who punched her shoulder playfully. 

"Cap. Thena" Clint greeted the two when he got out of the van. 

He was followed by Wanda who came over and highfived Athena. It had been only a couple hours since they had last met, but it felt like forever. Athena could see that Wanda was a little upset that she and her brother had left her alone. 

"How about our other recruit?" Steve asked. 

"He's rarin' to go. Had to put a little coffee in him, but... he should be good." Clint opened the back door to reveal a sleeping guy. The thud of the door of the van woke him up. He was in his late thirties or forties from what Athena could guess, but he didn't look all that superhero-y to her. More like a dad. He grumbled something about the timezone, but stopped when he saw Steve. A look of awe overcame his features and he stared that the other man.

"Captain America." He shook Steve's hand a couple seconds too long and Athena smiled at the look on Bucky's face. 

"Mr. Lang" Steve greeted. 

"Wait, Lang as in Ant guy- Ant man?" Athena snorted, "The guy that embarrassed Sam? Wow, sorry Vision but I now have a new bff" 

"You know I hate you right?" Sam glared at her. 

"They tell you what we're up against?"

"Something about some . . . psycho-assassins?"

"We're outside the law on this one. So, if you come with us, you're a wanted man" Athena told him. 

"Yeah, well what else is new."

"Steve, they're evacuating the airport"Bucky told him

"Suit up"


Steve and Athena ran toward the helicopter both in suits. An electro-disabler slammed into the chopper disabling it. Tony and Rhodey descended. 

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?" Tony asked. 

"Definitely weird." Rhodey and Athena agreed. 

"Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this" Steve tried to explain. 

Prince T'Challa in a black cat suit leapt over a truck and landed a few meters away. "Captain"

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