Time Travel part 2

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They were in a side alley, not far from where the 2012 Avengers were. That's all Athena knew. Now came the fun part- trying to steal the stones.

"Okay, here we go" Tony said as his time travel suit retracted. "Thena, Maximoff- you guys get a head start."

With that, the two in question didn't wait around and instead Pietro picked Athena up with ease and sped off in the direction of the Stark Tower. They had thouroghly planned this and it was not going to go wrong.

On the way- the two decided to help the 2012 Avengers a bit by smashing through some Chitauri whenever they saw the ugly aliens.

"Let's go Thena- things look like they're just about wrapped up here."

"Got it- we're approaching the elevator now"

Pietro and Thena went over the plan again. They didn't want to fight if it wasn't necessary, so all they had to do was look mean and say- 'hail hydra' and walking out with the sceptre. Which was going to be very hard since neither of them looked like HYDRA officers.

Chances were, they would have to fight.

"Uh, Thena- I almost forgot that suit did nothing for Steve's ass" That was such a ridiculous statement, Athena and Pietro couldn't stop themselves from laughing.

"No one asked you to look Tony" Athena finally managed.

"And Captain Rogers is a taken man" Pietro reminded Tony.

"You should see it though Speedy Gonzales, it's ridiculous"

"I think it looks great Thena. As far as I'm concerened, that's America's ass" Came Scott's voice, which had Pietro and Athena in stitches again.

A little while later, when Pietro and Athena were standing in front of the elevator doors- Tony's voice came again. "All right, Shadow and Quicksilver. I got our scepter in the elevator just passing the 80th floor."

"We're on it Mr. Stark" Pietro nodded. 

"Head to the Lobby, Tony" 

"Alright. I'll see you two there." Tony said. "And be careful"

The elevator door opened, showing a squad of HYDRA agents including Jasper Sitwell and Brock Rumlow. Athena gulped, this was going to be harder than she had realised. 

"Agent Sitwell, Agent Rumlow" Pietro greeted in an american accent. 

"Who the hell are you supposed to be?" Rumlow questioned. 

"I am Agent Stan and this is Agent Taylor-Johnson" Athena lied easily. "We're here on strict orders from Secretary Pierce"

"We are going to be running point on the sceptre" 

Rumlow's hand moved to his gun subtely so Athena sighed before punching the metal frame of the elevator which left quite the dent. "We're enhanced. Secretary Pierce wanted the sceptre in more capable hands"

"I've never heard of you two" Sitwell spoke up and Athena had the urge to throw him out of the building. 

"We were working on project Athena- the kid that escaped a few months ago" Pietro told them. "Then a few hours ago we got new orders"

"We can't give you the sceptre" Rumlow said. "I'm gonna have to call the director"

"It's okay- trust us" Athena took a step forward. "Hail Hydra"

Rumlow and Sitwell blinked in surprise. Confused, they handed the sceptre over to Pietro who snatched it, afraid that the agents would take it back. "Thank you for your cooperation, Agents"

The elevator door closed and Athena collapsed on the floor. "That... was... exhausting"

"You're telling me- I can't lie to save my life" Pietro sat down next to her. 

"You did good Speedy" 

"Not too bad yourself Shadow" After a moment, Pietro stood up and offered her a hand. "Come on, let's get your boyfriend, your dad and my sister back"

"You get the sceptre?" Tony's voice asked on the comms.

"yeah- we did"

"Good job. Meet me in the alley. I'm gonna grab a quick slice."


Pizza's in their hand, Pietro and Athena waited for Tony and Scott. When the two men finally appeared, they took a well deserved break. So far everything had gone good, Athena crossed her fingers. She really wished she hadn't jinxed their luck. 

"Let's go get Mr. Parker back shall we?" Tony said. 

"We shall" Athena breathed out. 

Pressing on their control panels which were on their wrist, the four activated their time travel suit went subatomic. 


Meanwhile on Vormir, a sickly thin Steve rogers woke up in an oversized Captain America suit. The last few hours seemed like a dream to him. Vormir, The red skull, and giving up something he loved- what had that been?

He didn't have to wonder for too long. He could barely keep the suit which had once fit him perfectly from falling off his narrow shoulders. It was safe to say he missed his bulky body already. But atleast he had the stone. 

Clutched in his right hand was the soul stone, a small, orange stone which made Steve wonder how small stones like these could lead to a time heist?

All that mattered was that he was going to get Bucky back. Steve could only hope Athena was alright. 

Activating his time travel suit, Steve couldn't wait for everything to go back to normal. 

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