Athena and Peter cannot catch a break

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"Hey Peter, come in" Athena heard Steve open the door. 

"Hey Mr. Rogers" Athena's heart beat quickened when she heard Peter. 

She stepped out of her room in her light blue dress that complimented her eyes (I suck at describing clothes so bear with me) She entered the living room where Bucky smiled when he saw her. 

Since Athena had gone dress shopping with Peter's aunt May, none of the others knew what dress she had bought. She gave Bucky a wide smile and turned to Peter. He was looking even better than usual in his suit, if it was possible and his mouth slightly parted at Athena's sight. 

"Wow" he breathed out, still staring at her. 

"Wow is right, you look beautiful Thena" Steve gave her a hug. 

"Thanks, um.. you look amaz- er I mean you look nice too Spidey" Athena stuttered. 

"So are you going out?" Bucky asked, which caused Athena to glare at him. "Hey I just want to see who won the bet"

"Bet?" Peter asked finally taking his eyes away from Athena. 

"Er, nothing" Bucky chuckled nervously and continued. "Now you, behave"

"Don't worry Mr. Barnes I-" Peter started but Athena waved a hand and cut him off.

"He means me... technically the last time I went to a party I kinda attacked Flash so... his concerns are valid" Athena shrugged while the others laughed. 


Bucky drove them to the dance and returned back home for a quiet night with Steve. He had no idea what was about to happen. 

"Hey" Peter said as he gave her a small crooked smile, the same one that she had stared at so many times. "Nervous?" 

"As if. I mean I'm going to a fucking dance with the cutest b- I mean Uh" Athena bit the inside of her cheek in embarrassment and Peter's smile widened. 

"HI NED" She said very loudly greeting her friend

"Hey Thena, Peter" Ned greeted. 

"Wanna go inside?" Peter asked when he realised they were all still outside. 

"Yeah sure" Athena said she took hold of Peter's hand which caused them both to blush a bit and walked side by side. 

Athena looked around to see shocked faces of people she knew staring at her, Peter and their entwined hands. She could only smile wider, everything was perfect. 

"Thanks dad!" Athena turned her head to her left and saw as Liz got out of a car in a pretty red dress. By now Athena's jealous feelings had disappeared and she realised she should probably apologise for being a bitch. 

"Peter, I need to talk to someone. You can go ahead" She nudged him. 

"No I'll wait" Peter said and watched as Athena walked over to Liz. 

"Hey Liz" She said awkwardly. 

"Hey...?" Liz asked unsure. 

"I just wanted to say that these past few months you've been really kind and accepting but I was really mean. I guess I owe you an explanation and an apology so here goes" Athena paused, "I've liked Peter for quite some time and through some misunderstanding, I thought Peter liked you, so I was really jealous and stupid. And then I asked him to the dance and he said yes. I'm sorry I was so mean, you're a really nice person and I would genuinely like to be your friend" 

"Oh, I knew it!" Liz exclaimed really loudly. "Literally everyone knew it, you guys are so cute. I'm glad you figured everything out. And I would love to be friends" 

She stretched her arms and gave Athena a big hug. 

"You okay there gumdrop?" Came an eerily familiar voice from Liz's car. 

"I'm fine dad, just making new friends" Liz gave Athena a huge smile and walked towards Peter leaving Athena staring at the car or more specifically the person in the driver's seat. 

"Pete" Athena called cause she definitely didn't like being face to face with the fucking Vulture. 

"I'm Adrian, Liz's dad" He greeted and stepped out offering his hand. 

"Athena, Liz's... friend" Athena shook his hand while her breathing quickened. This was the man that dropped her and Peter in the lake. This was the man that tried to kill her over the past few days, the one that gave her the fear of heights.

"Thea, what happe-" Peter stopped dead in his tracks, recognising Adrian too. 

"Peter, meet Liz's dad" Athena breathed out shakily. 

"You two okay? you look a bit... pale" He said. 

"Yeah, we're fine" said Peter subconsciously pushing Athena behind him. 

"You know, you two kinda seem familiar... have I met you two before?" Adrian asked. 

"Um.. we have academic decathlon with Liz" Athena answered. 

"Well, it was nice meeting you two, but I gotta go catch a flight" He chuckled and got back in his car. 

"By Mr. Allen" Athena managed. 

"It's Toomes actually" Adrian answered and then drove away. 

Athena turned to Peter, her body had gone stiff, her breathing shallow and her eyes wide. Peter looked the same, the same terrified expression on his face. 

"What do we do?" Peter asked her. 

"He was catching a flight... do you think it means another heist?" Athena asked and Peter nodded. 


"We need to follow him" Athena stated, she saw the car getting out of the car parking. She made a split second decision and ran toward him, which was a bad idea because she was wearing heels.

"MR. TOOMES! WAIT!" Athena yelled, thankfully the car stopped and Adrian rolled down the driver seat window. 

"Hey Athena was it?" He asked. 

"Yes Mr. Toomes, sorry but Liz just called me... from Ned's phone.. since I was already outside and... she said she left her phone in the car. Do you mind if I fetch it for her?" Athena asked sweetly. 

"Of course not, go ahead, she was sitting in the back"

Athena opened the back door and dropped her own phone under one of the seats she then pretended to slip a phone into her handbag, (but she obviously didn't duh because Liz didn't leave her phone behind). And then closed the back door. 

"Thank you Mr. Toomes, have a nice day- er night" Athena's heart was beating very loud, she was sure everyone could hear it, the thing was- she never had any fear with lying and did it flawlessly, but something about Toomes made her nervous. 

"You too" he drove off, for good this time. Athena raced into the school to find Peter and instead found herself facing Spider-man in a onesie. 

"Your old suit, Peter you're a genius!" Athena beamed, "I put my phone in his car, so we can track him... I don't suppose you have a spare t-shirt and a pair of pants do you? Can't really catch a criminal in a homecoming dress" 

"Actually, I'm pretty sure you can do anything" 

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