Athena tries not to kill Tony

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Tony bolted the door and spat out the walnut date loaf.

"As walnut date loaves go, that wasn't bad"

"Ignore him, being insulting and cocky is his whole personality" Athena rolled her eyes.

Peter seemed pretty embarrassed to have them in his room, but Athena quite liked it. The walls were a calming shade of blue and it was filled with retro tech and Star wars posters.

"Whoa, what do we have here? Retro tech, huh? Thrift store? Salvation Army?" Tony noticed the tech.

"Uh, the garbage, actually." Peter's ears tuned pink. ". . . anyway, look, um, I definitely did not apply for your grant."

"Ah-ah, me first" Tony said.

"No, me first." Athena spoke up. "What the fuck Tony? Why am I here? You know if we're picking sides, I'd be with Steve. Also the story sounds completely biased from your point of view. How do you know dad wasn't being mind controlled when he attacked you guys? Further- if you're against Steve and Dad then  why the fuck did you send Pietro to research Ross?"

Athena said it all in one single breath.

"Thena... Steve's in the wrong here. He'll do anything for Buck-" Tony tried to explain.

"At least he has good reasons, I need to talk with him before I do anything for you" Athena took a deep breath to calm herself.

"Ok fine, you can walk away from here, call your dad meet up. And if you change your mind, you know where too find me" Tony took it really well.

"And as for your last question or whatever part I heard of it, I don't trust Ross. And you heard about the raft and all that other bullshit, there's clearly something more going on here. Plus, Pietro can get stuff done in half the time maybe even less."

Athena seemed satisfied with Tony's answer and nodded along. Then Tony turned to Peter.

"Now Mr. Parker, Quick question of the rhetorical variety" Tony showed a video of a person in a red outfit swinging through Queens. "That's you right?"

"Um, no. What do you. What do you mean?" Peter definitely looked a bit peaky.

"Yeah. Look at you go. Wow! Nice catch. 3,000 pounds, 40 miles an hour. That's not easy. You got mad skills." Tony said and Athena cringed.

"Please don't ever say that again" Athena face palmed. But her mind was working overtime. Spider- spider something, various news articles and incidences came to her mind. A radioactive spider escaped from containment, a person with spider like skills- it made some sense.

"That's all- That's all on YouTube, though, right? I mean, that's where you found that? Because you know that's all fake. It's all done on the computer."

"You're a terrible liar" Athena stated. 

"I'm... I'm not, I mean I'm not lying" Peter was definitely lying.

"Increased heart rate, stuttering, but you do that a lot, change in tone and volume, eyes- uh-" Athena stopped when she realised the two were looking at her. 

"No keep going" Tony examined the room. Athena pointed to the ceiling and Tony understood. "You're really good at this," He told Athena, "Wait, so you knew everytime I've lied to you?"

"Yeah, Tony. Cookies don't just disappear" 

"But Spider-man isn't me! It's like that video. What is it?" Peter tried to lie again.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah . . . oh, you mean like those UFOs over Phoenix?"

"Exactly" Athena mumbled, Tony took a random stick and pushed a compartment in the ceiling open. An outfit similar to that of the guy in the video tumbled down, tied with a string.

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