New recruits

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"He's uploading himself into the body." Helen Cho's voice sounded through the comms. 

"Where?" Steve asked.

" The real power is inside the Cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to get the Cradle to Stark"

"First I have to find it."

"Go" Cho urged Steve. 

"Did you guys copy that?" Steve asked.

"We did" Clint confirmed.

"I got a private jet taking off, across town, no manifest. That could be him" Natasha said.

"There. It's a truck from the lab. Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge. It's them. I got three with the Cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver." Clint had noticed a truck with his hawk like vision.

"Negative! If that truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron" Steve said, then he jumped on the roof of the truck. 

Steve tried to enter the truck but Ultron blasted the door.

"Steve!" Athena cried out. 

"I'm fine, Well, he's definitely unhappy! I'm gonna try and keep him that way."

"You're not a match for him, Cap." Clint said. 

"But I am" Athena said at the same time Steve said-"Thanks Barton"

Then realising Athena had spoken up, Steve added- "No, absolutely not"

"Relax, I'll just be helping you" Athena assured him.

"We got a window. Four, three... give 'em hell."

Natasha dropped out of the quinjet with Athena holding on her waist, both on a motorcycle. Athena screeched as Natasha weaved in and out of the cars' way. 

"I'm always picking up after you boys." Natasha said as she grabbed Steve's shield from where it lay on the road. 

"They're heading under the overpass, I've got no shot." Clint said on the comms.

"Which way?"

"Hard right... Now." Clint told Nat and she turned. 

When Athena and Natasha reached Steve, he was being choked by Ultron. Natasha threw Steve his shield which he used to push Ultron away. Athena got ready and stood on the motorcycle, then just as Ultron pulled up a part of the road, Athena jumped.

Steve was suddenly knocked back into cars, so only Athena and Ultron remained on the top of the truck. 

"So... ripoff Pinocchio, does your nose grow big when you lie too? My new bff told me" Athena smirked, referring to Lila

"HYDRA's star project Athena aren't you?" Ultron asked. Steve flew in out of nowhere before he could say anymore.

Everything was happening fast. Steve punched and pounded and Athena tried to decapitate, but nothing was working.

"Maybe I am a little egotistical" Athena mumbled. The quinjet appeared and fired at Ultron, but he sent some of his robots to distract Clint.

"A little?" Ultron asked. 

"You know, maybe if you weren't evil we would've been friends" Athena charged. She used his weight against him and pinned him to the ground-or the top of the truck. But Ultron flew out of her grip and mocked Steve and her. 

Then flew towards them, and all three landed inside a moving train.

"Heading back towards you. So whatever you're gonna do, do it now." Clint told them. 

"Steve, handle him" Athena ordered, she faced the civilians and tried to rush them in another compartment. 

"I'm going in. Cap, can you keep him occupied?" Natasha asked. 

Steve fell in a corner and replied-"What do you think I've been doing?"

"He's getting his ass kicked is what he means" Athena chuckled, then jumped head first into the fight. 

Punch, deflect, roll, block, kick, oh shit. 

Athena, was shoved aside as Ultron focused on Steve. Then a blue blur knocked Ultron off his feet, and accidentally Athena too. 

"Sorry" Pietro said as he helped Athena up. 

Ultron turned to him, but Wanda with her magic- blocked the way.

"Please. Don't do this" Ultron pleaded.

" What choice do we have?" Wanda asked. 

Ultron then turned and with a blast, probably blew a hole in the train's controls. Then he escaped from the giant hole. 

"I lost him! He's headed your way!" Steve panicked and ruched to see that they were running out of track. 

"Nat! Cap, you see Nat?" Clint asked Steve.

"If you have the package, get it to Stark! Go!" Athena could see the hurt on his face as he said it.

"Do you have eyes on Nat?" Clint asked again but Steve told him to go.

The train derailed and Athena turned to Pietro.

"Civilians" she said, he understood and raced ahead dragging people out of harm's way.

"Can you stop this?" Athena asked Wanda, she nodded and started working on it. 

Steve hid Athena behind his shield as they burst through a building, but soon enough the train came to a stop. 

Wanda ran toward Pietro who was panting in a corner. 

"I'm fine. I just need to take a minute." he assured her.

"I'm very tempted not to give you one." Steve and Athena walked to them. 

"What he means is..." Athena gave him a sharp glare, then looking at the twins "Thank you" 

"The Cradle, did you get it?" Wanda asked Athena, it was clear that the twins trusted her more than anyone else.

"Stark will take care of it." Steve spoke up. 

"No, he won't" Wanda widened her eyes. 

"Hey, hey, hey... look at me, read my mind. I'll tell you everything that has happened."Athena lay a hand on Wanda's shoulder, "You can trust me"

Wanda's eyes glossed over, while Athena felt nothing, and then just like that Wanda was back to normal. She nodded. 

"Stark, come in. Stark. Anyone on comms?" Steve asked, but there was no response. 

"Well, we should probably get going. And tell Tony I need a new suit... again" Athena brushed some dust off her black and grey suit but it was torn in many places and beyond repair. 

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