The ship sails...

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Athena had somehow gained Bucky's appreciation with her rescue of "helpless tourists" in Washington. He seemed happier and prouder.

Of course he was a bit mad, but proud nonetheless. A day after D.C. there was a knock on the door of the Barnes' home. 

Athena back flipped off the sofa, just because she could and walked to the door. She expected the postman or delivery man or Peter. Not Captain fucking America. 

"Steve?" Athena said and wrapped her arms around him in happiness. 

"Hey Thena, miss me?" He asked. 

"Of course I fucking missed you" Athena let go, "God it's been so long, I can't believe it's you"

"It's me, now can I come in or..." Athena chuckled at that and invited him in. 

"Dad! Look who it is" Athena yelled for Bucky, who groaned and walked out of the kitchen with a burnt omelette in a pan and scowled at her. But when he saw Steve, his scowl vanished and his eyes lit up. He put the pan on a table and walked toward his daughter and his best friend. 

"You son of a ..." Bucky trailed off, "What were you thinking, becoming a fugitive and for what? me?" 

Steve hugged Bucky too and it seemed a bit too long for it to be strictly platonic. 

"We have a lot to talk about" Steve smiled fondly at Athena and then Bucky. 


"I miss Pietro and Wanda" Athena confessed when the three finished their third box of ice cream. 

"And they miss you, all Wanda can talk about is her little sister" Steve chuckled. It was quite dangerous for him to be here but no one seemed to mind, in fact Bucky and Steve were down right cuddling on the couch. 

"Did you hear about Washington?" Bucky asked Steve. 

"Yeah, that was a pretty cool save Thena... everyone was so proud, Sam was crying and saying how proud he was of his favourite sassy teenage super soldier." Steve chuckled. 

"AW I MISS EVERYONE" Athena whined. 

"I think Tony's working on clearing them or something- we don't really talk" Bucky said. 

"I wish he would hurry up, don't get me wrong dad- your cooking is great. But something about Pietro's paprika is heaven" Athena chuckled. 

"Oh right speaking of your crushes..." Steve tried to suppress a smile, "What's happening with you and Spider-man?" 

"Ok first of all how did we go from Pietro's paprika to Peter?" Athena crossed her arms, "And second of all, yeah I think he's cute.. BUT WHAT ABOUT YOU TWO THEN?" 

"You're changing the topic Nina" Bucky said as he cleared his throat and moved a bit away, clearly embarrassed. 

"That's also what I was here to talk about though Buck... um.." Steve fidgeted with his hands, not meeting Bucky's eyes. 

"Oh" Bucky was slowly turning very red. 

"Yeah, Sam was talking about how... if I don't make a move, you'd probably move on and- er" Steve was also very red now. "I wanted to ask if you-"

"I thought you'd never ask" Bucky smirked. 

"YESSSSSSSSSS! MY SHIP IS SAILING!" Athena yelled and ran out of the living room to give them a bit of privacy.

"Nina, what the fuck does that mean?" Bucky called after her but she jumped on her bed and laughed. 


"Did you two kiss?" Athena asked Bucky for the hundredth time after Steve had left. 

"Nina, I swear.... fine, yeah we kissed- happy?" He sighed and turned a bit pink. 

"VERY" Athena replied and then shoved a whole slice of pizza into her mouth.

"So when am I gonna have to change my name from Athena Barnes to Athena Barnes-Rogers?" Athena asked cheekily. 

"I hate you" Bucky rolled his eyes. 

"You two are so cute-" Athena was interrupted by her phone ringing. When she saw it was Peter, her smile widened. 

"Hey Peter" She greeted. 

"Thea" He said, he was clearly excited for something. 

"What's up?" Athena asked. 

"Nothing much... just... remember the buyer from under the bridge?" Peter asked. 

"Of course I do- the one who was interested in the climbers right?" Athena asked, she didn't want to keep anything hidden from Bucky so it was fine that he was overhearing their call. 

"Right... Karen- my suit lady ran facial scan on footage that she recorded that day and I found him." Peter said proudly, "His name is Aaron Davies and he has and address here in Queens" 

"Wait what? that's amazing" Athena exclaimed. 

"Yeah, and I was hoping you'd come with me to... pay him a visit?" Peter asked, Athena was glad he didn't leave her out of this so she immediately agreed, 

"Of course, tomorrow?" Athena asked. 

"Sure, I'll come to your place" Peter was smiling, and then he cut the call. 

"So... what's happening between you two?" Bucky asked with a raised eyebrow, Athena blushed a bit and cleared her throat. 

"Nothing much, he found a lead and.. we were hoping to check it out..." Athena trailed off, unsure on how to tell Bucky. 

Bucky sighed and put down his pizza slice. "Look Nina, if this is something you think you need to do- I won't stop you. Just... be careful. You know I can't help you- the government and.. never mind, but if you choose to do this, it's gonna be only you and Peter"

"I know that dad. But these weapons dealers they're dangerous, they're the ones who blew up Delmar's. Their weapons are made from stolen alien tech from various clean ups. Tony isn't listening to us, we tried telling him. Plus you saw how well Peter and I handled Washington- If anyone can stop them - we can." Athena said confidently. 

"Okay then, I just don't want to see you hurt doll. I love you too much" Bucky sighed. "And I know, no matter what I say you're gonna do this. Better I know what's happening" 

"Aw, thank you, thank you, thank you" Athena got up and gave Bucky a big hug, "I promise I'll try not to get hurt"

"Also is this a bad time to tell you that four people know my secret identity?" Athena asked sheepishly. 


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