Why can't Stucky happen already?

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Athena woke up to the faint beeping of a heart rate monitor- her heart rate monitor. She opened her eyes and saw that she was in a white lab and was lying on a hospital bed. The lab was totally empty but in the distance she could hear an argument. 

The people arguing were probably right outside the door, one's voice was rough and hoarse as if they had been crying, there was a similar softer one and the unmistakable voice of Tony Stark. 

Athena couldn't make out the words, but she tried to. As soon as she tried to move, pain shot up her back. Sokovia, Ultron, The twins, getting shot.... it all came back to her. 

Her breaths quickened, the heart rate monitor picked up too. The sound of the beeping increased and the argument outside stopped. The door was flung open and in strode Bucky along with Steve and Tony

"Nina!" Bucky breathed out, "You scared me doll, what were you thinking getting shot like that?" 

"Hey" her voice was hoarse from lack of use, but she was feeling loads better. 

"Thena, how are you feeling?" Steve asked. 

"Better" was all she said. "How long has it been?" 

"Three months" Tony answered, "Yep, you've been scaring us for three months. Sonic the hedgehog is blaming himself for not trying to help you, Clint almost named his son after you because he thought you died, Nat has been having a short temper and this guy here's almost murdered me thrice" He said pointing to Bucky. 

"I'll make the fourth time count if you don't shut up Stark" Bucky growled. 

"Dad, come on. I'm fine, or I will be. How's everyone else?" 

"No, no, no, you... shut up. You got shot on purpose, are you crazy?" Steve asked her. 

"Wow and here I thought I only had one dad" 

"Don't count me, I'm too good looking to be a dad" Tony raised his arms defensively. 

"Isn't Bucky too then?" Steve chuckled, and then realising what he had said, "Er, I mean... er... never mind'

Both the super soldiers got bright red and glared at Athena when she started laughing.

"Shut up" They both told her. Which caused her to laugh even more, she winced in pain once or twice.

"Let's just say we have a perfectly imperfect family right here" Tony smirked at Steve and wiggled his eyebrows. 

"I'm sorry doll, but I need to go. I can't stay here unfortunately. But I'll feel better now that I know you'll be fine." Bucky kissed her forehead and started walking out.

"I don't not love you doll" He said giving her a small smile over his shoulder. 

"I don't not love you too dad" Athena was too weak to wave.

The doors closed behind Bucky and it seemed Steve and Tony were having a staring contest. 

"I'm just saying it isn't the 40s now. You two should kiss" Tony shrugged, "Thena agrees, doesn't she?" 

"yep, Steve I give you my full permission to date my dad" Athena giggled. 

"How about we just settle for a bit first?" Steve mumbled while putting a hand on Athena's shoulder. 

"I have a feeling everything's gonna be quiet for some time" Tony said putting his hands on his hips.

"Let's hope. I don't want to rescue another flying city any time soon." Athena joked. 

End of Avengers: Age of Ultron.

This is everything that was different in Age of Ultron

1. This is a big one, PIETRO DOESN'T DIE! yay!

2. The Avengers are much closer due to Athena, this leads to changes in Civil war. 

3. Bucky and Tony have already met, and they have something in common- They both love Athena very much and never want to see her hurt. This also leads to changes in Civil War.

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