Two months later

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Athena sat playing Uno with Pietro, Wanda, Nat and Peter at the Avengers compound. Obviously she was winning, but then Peter lay down a plus four. 

"Are you shitting me Parker?" Athena threw up her hands. 

"Hey, we all get tired of you winning all the time" Peter chuckled. 

"Wanda, I believe it is time we must leave" Athena started at the voice coming from behind her, but it turned out it was only Vision. Him and Wanda were going... who knows where, Athena thought it was mostly because Wanda was tired of Pietro's nosiness. 

"Yes, I'm sorry Thena. But I will come visit, I promise. And you Pietro-" Wanda got up and started talking in Sokovian with Pietro who was still not a hundred percent on board with the idea of Wanda and Vision leaving. 

"Wanda, this is my impression of what Thena would say if she were in my place" Pietro held up his hands and cleared his throat, Athena raised an eyebrow, "HE'S A FUCKING TOASTER!" 

Athena and Peter rolled on the floor with laughter while Wanda gave Pietro an unimpressed look.

"You'll understand when you love someone" Wanda crossed her arms and began walking aw 

"Nina, Peter, we should go too" Bucky popped his head around the corner to tell the two. 

"Ok dad, Bye Pietro" Athena waved and pulled Peter with her outside the compound. These weekend visits were the only time Athena got to meet the Avengers other than Steve, but now she would really miss Wanda. 

"You're going to miss her aren't you?" Peter gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. 

"Yeah, it feels like I just got her back and now she's going away again. Seems very selfish of me I know" Athena admitted. 

"Hey, it's not selfish to want people around" Peter cupped her face in his hands and gave her a small peck on her cheek. 

"Get in you two, I do not want to see you kissing" Bucky called them from the drivers seat, the two in question blushed and nodded. They got in the back seat and waved goodbye to Tony who had been talking with Steve. 

Steve sat down too in the passenger seat and gave Bucky a kiss on his cheek. Athena smirked and mocked Bucky, "Are we gonna go? I do not want to see you two kissing"

"I hate you" Bucky scowled. 

"I believe the term you're looking for is- I don't not love you" Athena said. 

Very short chapter I know, I just wanted to show that basically Wanda and Vision leave. Additionally Steve moves in with Bucky and Athena and everything is awesome! Wait for infinity war though hehehehe

Athena || Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now