Whatever it takes...

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It turned out Athena's injury would've been fatal for a normal human, and for the first time Athena wished she were normal. 

She hadn't spoken once in the three days Nebula- the blue badass, Tony and her had spent on the Milano- Quill's ship. 

No matter how hard she tried, Athena couldn't go two minutes without thinking of Peter. Her eyes turned murderous when she thought of Thanos and after a few outbursts, Tony and Nebula left her alone. 

She would sneak to the pods where she had made her bed, she liked it there because she could look out into Space and imagine Peter was just lost and that she was going to find him. 

Athena took off her suit's helmet and set it in front of her. She started the recording and forced a smile. The only person she talked to was dead, but she pretended she was calling him. 

"Hey Spidey, it's day three now. I think, atleast according to my watch it is. There's no day and night here- only night because we're stuck somewhere after the jump to Earth failed. But good news... I finally ate something today because Tony forced me to" She paused.

"I really miss dad, do you think he misses me too? who am I kidding? that man misses me when I go to the grocery store!" Athena let out a forced chuckle. "Yeah... him and Steve are probably crying over missing me and eating all my ice cream."

Athena took a shaky breath. 

"I miss you Spidey" Athena felt the familiar prickle come to her eyes so she stopped recording and curled up to sleep. 

I'm gonna bring you back... whatever it takes


"Hey Spidey- Peter... I think Peter's better... yeah, we're sticking with Peter." Athena drew a shaky breath, "It's day 10 no 12. nah I'm pretty sure it's 11.Tony and Nebula have been working non stop to try to get us back to Earth... and you'll be proud to know I talked to them today- like a whole conversation."

"And I ate a proper meal- or I mean the closest thing we have to it. I realised Tony and Nebula have been doing all they can to get us back to Earth but I've been a dead weight. It's like my brain shuts off when it's told to think... I don't know... it's weird. Anyways.. My head injury is officially almost healed!" 

"That's good news right? yeah.. it is."

"I'm sorry I didn't do more Parker, I'm sorry... god what am I gonna tell Aunt May? Ned? Fuck, I just want you back Pete..." Athena's voice was cracking too much and again tears started falling down her cheeks so she stopped recording and instead curled up, holding her helmet to her chest. 

She let exhaustion take over and as her eyes closed, she was vaguely aware of some movement, but that couldn't be possible right? 

She shook her head to answer herself and let herself relax as her pod drifted further into space.


Athena woke up with a start when the whole pod shook. She sat in the chair and to her horror she realised her pod had been broken off from the rest of the ship.

"TONY? NEBULA!" She yelled, but it was quite obvious she was stuck in the middle of nowhere. Terror took over her and for once she became scared for her own life. Athena fell to the ground, sobbing while clutching her helmet. She figured she could put on her suit and search for the ship... but how far was she?

Suddenly the pod began to jerk as if it had encountered turbulence, but there was nothing in front of the pod as it floated past a purple planet. 

Athena tried to steer the ship, but then she remembered the fuel tanks had been damaged during the fight. She tried to remain calm, but she lost it when different colours began to float past her. The planet seemed to be growing bigger... but the pod wasn't moving. 

The colours began swirling again, and Athena could've sworn she saw something like an animal float past. She was no longer in the void of space but in a land full of colour. 

I need to lie down

Athena lay down, she forced her eyes to shut and tried not to think about Peter or Tony or Thanos. 

She was surely losing her mind, but when she woke up again, the colours were still there... but now she had apparently crashed into what seemed like a bubblegum pink planet. 

Athena got into the chair again, and tried to make sense of what was happening. 

I am in a weird land with colours and .... wait

Athena did a double take when she saw a humanoid form walking toward her. She activated her suit and slipped on her helmet- ready to attack if needed. She had no idea if the person was friendly or even if the did exist. 

Athena waited for the person to come close because she didn't want to get out of her pod. The person who Athena guessed was a man, broke into a run as he got closer. 

He was wearing a weird red and silver suit that Athena recognised, but she didn't dare hope. Only when the man knocked on the glass did she let him in the pod. The two stood inside the pod, staring at each other disbelievingly. 

Athena finally took off her helmet and the man in front of her gasped. 



Athena || Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now