Confessions confessions

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The decathlon team was on the bus to Washington D.C. for the academic decathlon (and to capture the bad guys). Even though Bucky and Tony were telling Athena and Peter to stop or stay away, the teenagers knew they couldn't.

"Uh.. strontium, barium, vibranium" Peter answered correctly. Currently the score for the most answers correct was tied between Peter and Athena who gave each other smug looks after answering. 

Athena's phone began to vibrate and she picked it up, seeing it was only Happy. 

"Hey Happy" she greeted, then told Peter to follow her to the back of the bus. 

"Hey Thena, Got a blip on my screen here. You and Peter left New York?" He asked. 

Athena mouthed "Tracker" to Peter.

"Uh, It's for school, the academic decathlon remember?" Athena told Happy. 

"Look, Happy, I gotta say, you tracking me and Peter without our permission is a complete violation of privacy" Athena sat behind Ned.

Ned pointed to the hologram where the trio were tracking the bad guys when Athena mentioned privacy so she whispered back- "That's different" 

"Whats different?" Happy asked from the other side.

"Nothing, look it's not a big deal. Dad knows where I am, so does Tony"

"Ok fine, but remember I'm watching you two" Happy made it sound like a threat. 


Soon the team reached the check in area and as everyone stared in awe and Flash being his dick-self, was making a stupid remark- Athena, Peter and Ned hung at the back. 

"Hey, you've brought your laptop right?" Peter asked Ned and then looked at Athena with a mischievous look that was rare on his features. 

"Why?" Ned asked.

"Let's just say we're tired of Tony treating us like kids" Athena told him. 


Athena was laying on her stomach on Ned's bed in the boys' hotel room with her suit underneath her. She had to admit it was a nice suit, but it was tracking her so she was stripping it down and trying to remove the trackers. Ned was next to her, sitting with his laptop on his lap.

"Bingo" Athena said under her breath as she removed the tracking device from her suit. Peter had removed his too and stuck it on a lamp. "Enjoy tracking this lamp" He said. Athena put hers there too, but then realised what Happy would see if he saw their trackers and quickly took hers off and stuck it on Ned's t-shirt. 

"Just don't go to the boys bathroom will ya?" Athena smirked. She knew that Tony finding out that they hacked their suits was inevitable, but they didn't need forever, just a few hours.

"There's a ton of other subsystems in here..." Ned trailed off, still working on his laptop. 

Athena hummed in response telling him to continue. 

"...but they're all disabled by the Training Wheels Protocol." Ned smirked at them. 

Athena leapt to see Ned's screen and so did Peter, so she ended up on his lap accidentally. 

"Um.. uh, er-Turn it off" Athena managed before she got to her feet quickly. 

"I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, they're probably blocked for a reason." Ned told them. 

"Ned, do we look like we need training wheels?" Athena asked. 

"I'm sick of him treating me like a kid all the time. It's not cool." Peter crawled onto the other bed and jumped up and down Athena couldn't hide her laughter. 

"But you are a kid... Both of you" Ned told them. 

"Yeah, a kid who can stop a bus with his hands and a kid who went up against Ultron" Athena reminded him. 

"Peter, I just don't think this is a great idea. I mean, what if this is illegal?"

Peter jumped down and knelt next to Ned, Athena sat on the opposite side of Ned. 

"Come on Ned, please" Peter gave him puppy dog eyes that Athena knew she personally could never say no to. 

"Guy in the chair" Athena whispered. 

"Don't do that" Ned sighed but Athena knew he was close to giving in. 

"Come on" Peter urged. 

Ned sighed again and reluctantly typed on his screen. Athena's suit glowed purple briefly on the other bed and then was back to normal, the same thing happened to Peter's suit. 

"You're the best" Athena flung her arms around Ned's neck and then got up. 

"I believe we have work to do Spidey" She smirked playfully. 

"Oh no, not you" Peter got up too so they were both glaring at each other across the bed. 

"What do you mean?"Athena said louder than intended. 

"What if... what you got hurt again? Thea, even the thought of losing you scares me- a lot" Peter admitted, then added- "I mean-uh... Your dad would also kill me"

"You don't think Tony will kill us for this?" Athena waved her arms around referring to the whole taking out of trackers from the suit. 

"He might.. But Thea-"

"No, nope, not a debate. If I'm not there you'll get your stupid self killed. You think I want that?" Athena asked heatedly. 

"Maybe you do, I'm trying to protect you" Peter also replied heatedly. 

"That's the thing Parker- I DON'T NEED YOU TO PROTECT ME" Athena yelled. "I've gone up agains-"

"Against Ultron and your own dad, yeah believe it or not we heard you the first hundred times" Peter scoffed, "Why do you have to be so stubborn?" 

"Because there's no fucking way I'm letting you do this alone" Athena groaned in frustration. 

"What about your leg? I know it healed yesterday but what if that happens again? What if you get shot again?" Peter sighed, "The last time we did this, you got hurt and when you get hurt I- I.. never mind" 

"No go ahead Parker" Athena spat, "You think I'm this damsel in distress? Well I'm not, I.. I was bred by HYDRA, fighting is literally in my blood" 

"You think I don't know that? When I saw how scared you were that night, I- something inside me..." Peter's voice cracked as his eyes turned slightly bloodshot. "I never, ever want to see you hurt because I care too much" 

"I'm sorry, I never meant- I.. " Athena took in a shaky breath. "Pete you know I care about you too, so fucking much that it scares me. What if I'm not there and you get hurt? I would never forgive myself" Athena admitted. 

"I'm sorry too, I know you're probably stronger than me, I guess we can come.. come to a compromise" Peter tried to smile, his face red but not from almost crying. "We'll always watch each other ok?" 

He spread his arms and Athena leapt across the bed to hug him. 

"Someone has to babysit you" Athena joked.

"I hate you" Peter said, but she could hear his smile. 

"I hate you too" 

"So... what now?" Ned asked from the bed, in their argument, Athena and Peter had totally forgot about him. 

"Now we go to the super secret bad guy lair" Athena smirked.

Hey... don't forget to comment and vote- it would make my day. Tysm.

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