A weird, happy family reunion

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Athena woke up in a place with many voices around her. She had trouble focusing, but as soon as she opened her eyes, everyone drew closer to her. 




"Is she awake?"

"Is she better?"

Many familiar voices clamoured. Athena tried to sit up but someone pushed her back down gently. 

"Where am I?" Athena's eyes slowly focused on her surroundings. She seemed to be in a hospital, with- "Sam? Steve? Nat? Wanda.. Pietro... Holy fuck" 

"I'm here too" Tony waved from the corner. 

"Yeah, but you weren't on the run from the government were you?" Athena asked sarcastically. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, Athena's back" Sam declared. Athena chuckled, but winced in pain in her abdomen.


"About that doll..." Athena heard Bucky, beside him stood Peter with a relieved face. "How do you keep getting hurt so badly? First you got shot and now stabbed?"

"Oops?" Athena smiled at Bucky, then looked at Peter. "Hey Peter"

"Hey Thea, how are you feeling?" 

"Much better"

"There's going to be a fair amount of scarring though" Nat told her. 

"Me and you can be stomach wound buddies!" Athena joked. 

"You scared everyone you know that?" Wanda gave her shoulder a small squeeze. 

"Oh I know, did anyone cry? Please tell me someone cried"

"Pietro and Tony did" Steve told her, the two in questions started protesting immediately. 

Athena smiled and then turned to Peter. "So what happened to Adrian? And what will happen to Liz?" 

"He was sent to prison obviously, and Liz is moving away with her mom. They didn't know about him being a weapons dealer" Peter answered. 

"And here I just became friends with her" Athena said sadly, she felt pity for Liz and wondered how she had reacted to the news. 

"Yeah I've been meaning to ask though... why were you guys not friends before?" Peter asked. 

"Umm... er we never-" 

"Nina was jealous of her" Bucky said simply, giving Athena a smirk. 

"No I wasn't! Dad!" 

"So you two...." Tony spoke up, "Are you two going out?" 

"Depends... do you want to be my boyfriend Spidey?" Athena tried to suppress her blush and smile but failed miserably. 

"Yeah, I think I'd like that" Peter was also very red. Pietro appeared by Peter's side and slung an arm over his shoulders. 

"Welcome to the family... I have so many embarrassing stories of Thena to tell you" 

Athena opened her mouth to protest but Tony talked over her. "Barnes, I'm gonna need the ten dollars"

Bucky mumbled under his breath about the stupid bet and handed it to Tony. Athena watched the exchange in amusement. 

"So you guys get pardoned?" Athena decided to question Nat and Sam. 

"Yep, thanks to Tony. Now we're going to live at the compound again, so don't forget to come visit us" Nat told her. 

"By the way... how sails our ship?" Sam asked Athena who looked between Bucky and Steve. 

"Very good I think"

It was a strange family, but it was one. Finally Athena relaxed, she laughed and joked and forgot about the whole Vulture thing- it was easy to with everyone distracting her. 

Soon though, every one had to leave. They all waved goodbye and walked out one by one, promising to go out every week. Then the only ones remaining were Peter and Bucky in the room with Athena. 

"You're a good kid Parker, just keep looking out for her" Bucky told him and with a pat on his shoulder, he moved to Athena. "And you stop doing stupid things"

"No promises" Athena smiled and then added, "I don't not love you dad"

"I don't not love you too doll"

And with that Bucky walked out too, leaving the two alone. 

"I was scared" Peter admitted, "I mean you passed out and god there was so much blood, I called your dad and we rushed you to the hospital. The nurses said since you have the super soldier serum in you.. you're healing better"

"But please don't do something stupid like that ever again" Peter gave her a stern look which looked foreign on his features. 

"Why? You care about me?" Athena teased. 

"We're dating" Peter rolled his eyes in a mocking way, "And I'll always care about you. You should sleep though, have some rest"

Peter started walking to the door. 

"Wait!" Athena called to him "Don't I get a kiss goodbye?"

Peter chuckled and walked back to her, he kissed her- properly this time and by the time the two separated, they were both very red and smiling from ear to ear. 

"Stop worrying about me and save the neighbourhood Spidey" Athena smirked. 

"I will, but only if you're by my side" Peter smiled. "Oh and Aunt May knows about me... being... you know what"

"You probably did something stupid didn't you?" Athena asked. Peter nodded and walked out the door, giving her a wave, but stopped again. 

"And Mr. Harrington named you the captain of the decathlon team too, he knows about you being shadow right?"

"Yeah, that was pretty stupid... Flash and Liz know too" 

"Take care Thea"

End of Spider-man: Homecoming

Everything that was different-

1. Umm... not much but I can recap some stuff for you. 

2. Peter and Athena are finally together! YAY!

3. So are Steve and Bucky

3. Everyone is pardoned! YAY!

Athena || Peter ParkerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ