Peter Parker

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Utter chaos is what was happening. Athena wasn't invited to the U.N's meeting so she heard later from Steve about the bombing and suspicions on Bucky. But unfortunately she was "grounded" along with Wanda. 

Athena wished she could be with Steve trying to get Bucky to a safe place. Instead she had to wait. 

"I know you wish you were with him, but atleast kick my ass in Uno like you always do" Pietro sighed in annoyance, "It's not fun when you don't want to win" 

"Talk with Wanda maybe, or Vision. I'm sorry but I'm just not in the mood" Athena said apologetically. 

"I think the Vision likes Wanda" Pietro said. 

"No shit Sherlock" Athena rolled her eyes playfully, "And she likes him too so don't meddle"

"Pietro, Athena" Vision walked through the wall scaring Pietro who dropped all his cards. "I apologise, but it seems Mr. Stark has a call for the two of you."

Athena told FRIDAY to take the call. 

"Thena! hey, can you do me a favour?" Was the first thing Tony said. 

"What... happened?" She asked. 

"Do you know where Steve is? Please tell me you do. It would make everything much easier." He said. 

"I dunno, the last time I talked to him he told me about Vienna and said he was going to... find dad" Athena said truthfully.

"Ok, I believe you. What about Pietro? Is he there?" Tony asked, he seemed to realise that he had been underestimating Pietro since the day he left Ross speechless.

"I'm here" Pietro said. 

"Good, I have a little job for you. I have some doubts about Ross, I need you to find everything on him, the accords, the repercussions, I. Want. Everything" Tony told him. "Take whatever resources you want, ask Rhodey or FRIDAY or Vision"

"Ok Mr. Stark" Pietro said hesitantly, but made up his mind when Athena gave him a small nod. 

"Tony what did Steve do now?" Athena asked.

"I'll tell Happy to bring the car to the compound. We'll go on a little trip, you and me Thena" Tony refused to explain further so Athena mumbled a fine and cut the phone. 

She walked to her room and pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and an oversized black hoodie. Not much, but her main concern were Steve and Bucky. 


"Hey Thena" Tony greeted. 

"Tony you better tell me what the fuck is going on" Athena looked dangerous, she knew it. 

"You really don't know?" Tony asked, Athena shook her head and sat next to him in the car. "Prince or now would be King T'Challa, Steve, Sam and your dad escaped. It's complicated I'll spare you the details. Point is your dad bom-"

"No he didn't" Athena said firmly. "If it was him, or even the Winter Soldier he wouldn't have let a picture get caught" 

"Look Thena I know it's a lot to digest but" Tony told her the entire story of how and why they were captured in Bucharest and how they escaped. 

"Look we're here" Tony said stepping out of the car. 

"Where?" Athena knew she supported her dad, but how to convince Tony was the problem. He still believed Bucky was the bomber and no matter what Athena said he absolutely wouldn't see reason. 

"Queens" Tony didn't say anything further.

The two walked up the stairs to the seventh floor and stopped in front of a door, Athena didn't even realise they were there until a pretty woman opened the door. 

"Hey, how can I help y-" She stopped when she saw Tony. 

"May Parker?" he asked with a confident smile. "I'm Tony Stark and this is Athena Rogers, we're here to talk about your son- Peter"

Peter? Why was this guy so important?

"Call me May, Peter's my nephew actually, where are my manners- come in, come in" She said. May opened the door and Athena stepped into the apartment. 

Only then could she appreciate the apartment. It wasn't tidy or new, nearly everything looked old and worn. But it had a family-like aura that made it seem cosy and warm. In the living room two couches stood, one facing an outdated television set. Athena's eyes trailed over the walls that were covered in photographs, old and new, mostly of a young boy from age eight to what Athena could guess was fifteen.

"Sit, please, make yourselves comfortable" May said before disappearing into what Athena thought was the kitchen. 

"Tony, what the hell? Who's Peter? Why are we here?" Athena whispered. Tony offered no explanation whatsoever and sat on the couch. 

"Walnut date loaf?" May appeared. Athena gratefully took one and but into it, so did Tony but Athena knew he didn't like those. 

"So your... nephew uh" Athena tried to break the awkward silence, she realised she had no idea what to say. 

"Applied for the September..." Tony said. 

"Foundation Grant" Athena completed. It was a terrible lie, but when Tony Stark comes to your house you better believe whatever he says. 

Tony and May talked a but about Peter and Tony spewed some more lies, while Athena looked around. 

Tony was about to talk about Athena when the door opened. All eyes turned to the door where a guy that Athena assumed to be Peter Parker walked in. He had earphones in, holding in a DVD player that looked like it had seen better days. His white t-shirt had some red design on it, but it was mostly obscured by his grey jacket. 

Athena didn't want to assume too much about him, plus her mind was already occupied. But she found it weird how he was hunched over, like he was trying not to draw attention to himself, or to look smaller. 

"Hey, May." He greeted. 

"Mmm. Hey. How was school today?" she asked him.

"Okay. This crazy car parked outside . . ." Peter trailed off when he say Tony and Athena. 

"Oh, Mr. Parker." 

"Um..." Peter started. "What--what are you doing . . .? Hey! Uh, I'm--Im--I'm Peter." 


"Athena" She smiled awkwardly. 

"What are . . .what are you--what are you--what are you doing here?" Peter asked again.

"It's about time we met. You've been getting my e-mails, right?" Tony winked, telling him to go with it. 

"Yeah. Yeah." He was a terrible liar. 


"Regarding the . . ." Peter trailed off. 

"You didn't tell me about the grant." May said. 

"About the grant." Peter nodded. 

"The September foundation" Athena provided. 

"Yeah. Remember when you applied?" Tony asked, Peter nodded and hummed a yes. "I approved, so now we're in business."

"You didn't tell me anything. What's up with that? You keeping secrets from me now?" May asked.

"Why, I just, I just . . . I just know how much you love surprises, so I thought I would let you know . . . wh . . . anyway, what did I apply for?" Peter asked looking at Tony and then at Athena a couple of times. 

"That's what I'm here to hash out." Tony told him. 

"Okay. Hash, hash out, okay." Peter nodded trying to convince himself.

"It's so hard for me to believe that she's someone's aunt." Tony pointed toward May. 

"Tony stop, let's just not traumatise him by barging in and flirting with his aunt" Athena suggested. 

"Can we have five minutes with him?" Tony asked May.

"Sure" she replied so Athena and Tony followed Peter into his room.

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