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Post-apocalyptic Cannon Fodder Pampered Everyday Chapter 83:

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The zombies in front of them all obey the control of the spirit-type zombies. To solve this situation, killing the spirit-type zombies is the fastest way.

As long as the spirit-type zombies are gone, these zombies have no backbone, and it is not difficult for them to break the siege with their strength.

But the spirit-type zombie that the dragon sees the end is hidden in this group of zombies. Except for the supernatural beings of the same spirit system, it is as difficult for others to find it. Unless, kill all the zombies present.

But this is no less difficult than finding spirit-type zombies. After all, they only have a dozen people, and their opponents are hundreds of zombies.

Therefore, the best way to do this is to seize the time to leave here while the encirclement of zombies has not yet formed.

Lin Yang sat in the driver's seat, looking at the increasing number of zombies on the street. He couldn't help but feel surprised. He squeezed the steering wheel, took a deep breath, and said to the person in the seat behind him: , Let me see if I can rush out from this place."

After speaking, he slammed on the accelerator, and the off-road vehicle ran across the zombies group, and suddenly hit a lot of zombies, and the glass windows were covered with blood.

Ruan Ning was afraid of being thrown onto the doors and windows by the speeding car, and quickly grasped the seat under him firmly. It's no joke at this time.

She has never encountered a group of zombies. Although she escaped smoothly every time, the situation was different this time. This is a premeditated action specifically targeting them.

Zombies are not afraid of death or pain. The only flaw is that they have no self-awareness and only follow instincts to do things. And once there are spirit-type zombies behind them to control them, correspondingly, the degree of danger will greatly increase.

In summary, whoever encounters this kind of thing is unlucky.

And now, the hapless group has become them. Ruan Ning leaned back on the seat, looking depressed at the group of zombies that had almost surrounded their three cars.

Now, it can be said that these hundreds of zombies have blocked the road from front to back. Although the chassis of the off-road vehicle is high, they usually hit the zombies directly to save energy when they are on the road. It's okay to hit a few zombies and rush over, but there are hundreds of them here, and even the tank can't rush out from here.

So their car drove out half a street, and it was blocked. In the end, everyone can only drive down to kill the zombies.

It's just zombies' physical strength, and their physical strength. If you fight a protracted battle with zombies, then the losers must be their humans. Therefore, we must find a way to escape before everyone's abilities and physical strength are exhausted.

However, there are too many zombies around. The situation is even more precarious than the group of little zombies they encountered that time.

Jiang Jingchao couldn't help but blame himself. If it weren't for his eagerness to save people yesterday, he suddenly opened the spiritual net too much, and he still can't use the power. Today, he might be able to help find the spiritual zombie. It will not let everyone fall to the point where they can only run away in a panic.

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