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Post-apocalyptic Cannon Fodder Pampered Everyday Chapter 88:

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Gu Yicheng's indifferent expression and tone further stimulated Wu Yinchuan's desire to fight. After he climbed up from the ground with a hammer, his whole body felt hot and painful, as if he had been hit hard with a heavy fist.

He felt this way the last time he was thrown on the wall by the zombie in the supermarket. His whole body hurts. At that time, he broke two ribs. The wound was not fully healed, and now he was suddenly put on the ground by this person, and he should have encountered an old wound again.

"Ah! I still don't believe that I can't beat you." Wu Yinchuan's hands holding the hammer were shaking, and he didn't know if he was angry or hurt. He doesn't even have the strength to pick up a hammer weighing more than ten kilograms now.

Throwing the hammer aside, he gave the man on the opposite side a vicious look, and a fiery flame came out of his palm. He didn't believe it, he must have lost so quickly without paying attention just now. This time he must beat this man to the ground to find teeth.

Gu Yicheng's ability has reached the third rank, and dealing with a fire-type supernatural person who is only second-ranked and injured in his movements is simply a matter of grasping.

So he didn't take much effort this time, so he beat people down again.

Wu Yinchuan was soon knocked down again, and at the same time with a click, his hand hit the stone and his bone was cracked.

Gu Yicheng had seen the relationship between this man in front of him and the brawny man in the service center in District D early on. Both have similar eyebrows and are both left-handed.

But he has no interest in bullying someone weaker than him, and he doesn't bother to pester him too much. If it weren't for him to come and find fault, Gu Yicheng wouldn't even want to make a move.

After watching Wu Yinchuan's miserable situation, the cabbage on the side was a bit unable to pass.

Wu Yinchuan's popularity in the team is not very good, because he relies on his high power level and strong offensive power, and some people look down on people who have no power or even low power level. The other people in the team often dared not say anything, so after seeing him being beaten, no one in the Dragon Tiger team actually came forward to help. Of course, there are also reasons why the players are afraid.

When he felt that he was really about to kill another person, the cabbage walked over and knocked him out with a hand knife from behind.

Wu Yinchuan's sturdy body fell.

Kale coughed slightly. She could have come to solve this matter earlier, but she has not been harassed by this guy less these days, and she is vicious and annoying every day, but because of the people in the team, she can't do anything to him and can only bear it. . Now that someone happened to clean him up, I wanted to make him suffer more.

Now that the lesson was learned, the cabbage took action to rescue the person.

"Two, I'm really sorry, this teammate of mine has a problem with his brain. I hope he hasn't delayed you too much time." Cabbage said sincerely. Now I can only hope that the temperament and character of the team in front of him will be better. Otherwise, with Wu Yinchuan's trouble-making power, it is not easy for their Dragon Tiger team to leave here unscathed.

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