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Home » Post-apocalyptic Cannon Fodder Pampered Everyday PACFPE » Chapter 151:

Post-apocalyptic Cannon Fodder Pampered Everyday Chapter 151:

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Gu Yicheng adjusted the route.

Just as their team was about to change directions at an intersection in front of them, to change their way to Chaoyang Base.

Suddenly, the smoke in front of them blocked their sight. Soon, the two cars they drove were surrounded by orange smoke from the smoke bombs, and the visibility was very low. I am afraid that no one can see them when they pass by.

"Brother Gu, it's not good. Someone is coming to grab the material car!" Jiang Jingchao saw the sudden situation in front of him, and quickly activated his mental powers, probed the surrounding situation, and said, "But they are not many, they only came. There are five people, and now everyone has arrived next to our material truck."

"Brother, what do we do now?" Ruan Ning's expression on her face was fairly calm when she said this, and she was not very nervous about someone coming to grab the material truck.

The materials they transported this time have already been collected into the space, so they don't worry about anyone coming over to grab them. There were only a few large boxes in the small truck, and the boxes contained a few stones they picked up from the road.

Ruan Ning thought of this method. If someone came to grab the material cart and waited for them to open the box and find that it was filled with stones, the feeling of the gap would be very sour.

Others are the same, angry to angry, but everyone is not worried about supplies.

All they have to do now is to catch this group of people.

The two people on the small truck carrying the supplies have already got off the car, and their movement is blocked because of the obstruction of smoke. Those who came to grab the material truck probably had already prepared, so under the cover of the smoke, they quickly ran away.

"Captain, the people who came are all speed abilities, we can't catch up, let them run away!" a person said.

They came out this time, because they brought only a few people, so they didn't let the speed superpowers of their team follow. Unexpectedly, these people took advantage of the loopholes, and now they can't catch up with them.

"Brother Gu, the boxes we put in the car to cover people's ears were also taken away." Jiang Jingchao checked the trunk of the truck and found that the boxes that were used to pretend but had nothing in fact were missing.

In other words, this group of people not only has a speed ability, but also a space ability.

Such a configuration is rare. After all, those with speed ability are easy to see, but those with space system are very rare.

Ruan Ning was also surprised after hearing this. Fortunately, they did not have a fluke this time, thinking that the materials they transported would not be lost, but they had already collected the materials into the space early. Otherwise, today's supplies may not be kept.

However, Ruan Ning suddenly looked forward to those people who robbed them of their supplies when they returned to their site, opened the box, and found that the expressions were revealed after the stones were filled with them. They would definitely look good by then!

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