Chapter One: I'm going to die.

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"S'not nice" The two (almost three) year-old looked at her brother "You hurtin Mr monster's feelings, bubba"
"I thought you wanted me to scare him away"
"No! That'll make him sad, I don' wan' him to be sad, just tell him to be a good monster?"
"A good monster?"
"Mhmm like you tell me to be a good girl" She nodded solemnly her eyes on her teenage brother's who's lip twitched.

"Too fucking precious."

Aurora's P.O.V:

I'm going to die.

I'm going to die today, that's all that my mind of capable of thinking, as I stared into the darkness in front of me, hands tied behind my back to a pole, which I leaned on, leg's crossed, sitting on the hard ground.

I'm going to die and somehow I wasn't hyperventilating about that fact yet.

Finally, I let out a groan, opening my eyes, my head hurt and I felt like throwing up, everything was spinning, I could barely breathe, every breath filling like it was on fire, when the doors opened, my eyes squinting to adjust in the darkness.

"Finally awake, bitch?" My eyes met mud hazel ones, a man with red hair with a cigar between his lips looked at me, his eyes then shifted to someone next to me, in a leather jacket, hands tied behind the pole he was against just like mine, his dark hair over his closed eyes, face flushed.

The man threw what looked like cold water at his face, the guy didn't even flinch.

"I'm awake, you cunt"

Finally, I saw him look up, his dark blue eyes, gleaming, maybe because of the moonlight coming through the slightly open door.

"Black" The man hissed, I saw the guy's lip twitch.

"Let me go" He ordered calmly as though kidnappers just let people walk out. "Maybe I'll give you a day less of torture"

I couldn't speak, my mind was foggy, and my heart was racing, but I wasn't crying, the worry seemed to evaporate from my body, I was numb.

And all I could do was watch.

"Would your sister fucking approve of that word you just threw there, you piece of shit?" The guy stepped forward, a knife in his hand suddenly appeared, from under his jacket, he trailed the edge of it on the guy's jaw.

I didn't scream. I didn't cry. I didn't freeze. My brain wouldn't let me. I just watched.

"Is this what it's about?" He sounded amused as he looked at the man. "You want to get to Alina? Well join the bloody party, no one can outsmart her"

"Hey, dude" The man said casually "Look I just have a message for her and I think it's best to deliver it with two of her little responsibilities' fucking bodies."


"Two." This time the man finally grinned, an evil look on his face as he looked at the guy. "I have your baby sister drugged up, tied to the pole."

I couldn't see anyone else here-

"Oh yeah?" The man tilted his head "Why didn't she react to what you said then?"

"She's drugged up, she's numb" The man's lip twitched "Her brain cells can't react properly"

The guy chuckled again.

"Okay, let's say I believe you, you son of a bitch"-

A large sound rang through, the guy's face snapping to the left, Red-haired man had punched the guy, silence took over for a minute. I exhaled.

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