Chapter Fifteen: You declared war.

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"Bubby" Aurora ran to Milo who picked the girl up. "I'm havin' fun."
"Yeah?" Milo looked at her with adoration, letting her sip some cold water, she nodded. "How much fun?"
"This..." Aurora expanded her hands, stretching them out as far as they could. "...much!"
"Alright, bub, keep safe." He put her down, their parents watching. "I love you."
"I love you too, bubba."

Aurora's P.O.V:

I had therapy today. Apparently, it would do me good and it's wasn't up for discussion either, I would be going to my first session after school, Dustin would drop me off, and then pick me up. His punishment for that day.

I had Dustin as a chauffeur for a month.

I wasn't sure if I was fond of the idea though, I honestly didn't like it but it's whatever I guess, our teacher was speaking about stuff in History class, stuff I already knew about so I did the next wise thing, and doodled in my notebook, without ink.

It's weird but I wasn't used to wasting ink either, I didn't like asking my aunt for stuff, she was usually the only one around too, it was crazy to think I had 3 expensive pens right now, I know people are used to a lot more but I wasn't, so there's that.

It had been like 5 days at the school now, I had gotten closer to all of the three more, Fiona was bubbly and filled with gossip, Rhydian was funny, and jock like, and Dev was sarcastic and artist. Weird group, I know but it is wha-

"Miss Black?"

I suddenly looked up.

"Pearl Habour?"

Pearl Harbour what?-

"December 7th 1941." I heard Ryder's voice, turning my head, I saw him in the back of the class, leaning back in his chair, a pen being twirled around between his fingers. His lip twitched when he saw me notice.

Game on, Mikhail.

"Thank you, Miss Black." Our teacher looked at him. "Perhaps you'd like to tell me the first Shakespeare's first and last plays."

"It is contemplated that his first-ever plays were the first three parts of King Henry VI while his last was the two noble kingsmen, which he co-wrote with John Fletcher around 1613."

"Correct, Mr Mikhail" The teacher looked at me and then leaned back, I turned my head around to Ryder, flashing him a smirk of my own as he straightened up, leaning forward, his hands on the elbows, determination dancing in his eyes, probably mine too. I turned my head back as Mr Fletcher, funnily enough, our history teacher cleared his throat. "If we're going to go this way, the one who answers first and correctly wins."

I took a breath. I could do this, I read for hours onto no end as a cure for boredom and usually, they weren't fictional, but second-hand textbooks that belonged to my Uncle.

"Keep it to the year and the first wrong answer, this ends." He instructed and then began. "John F Kennedy assassination."

"1963." I answered quickly.

"Civil rights act?"

"1964" Ryder's voice rang out before I could breathe out a word, I clenched my jaw.


"1865" Ryder spoke again. I didn't look back.

"Martin Luther King?"


"Brown vs Board?"


"The American Revolution?"

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