Chapter Two: Your favourite.

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"He was a little bitch so I...." The words died down on Lance's throat as he saw Xander open the door to the rest of his siblings, she was in Percy's arms. Maddie grinned at her twin, nudging Xander as she went through the door and took the baby from Percy, Delilah watched Lance's face with a smile.
"Welcome home little brother" Xander's lip twitched in a smirk at the expression of awe on his face. First niece he saw that young after all. Lance dropped the bag, only nodding at the rest and walked over to their sister in law (and one's wife), kissing her cheek before, finally, taking the baby in his arms. 
"Aurora," Delilah told him, the smile never leaving as he nodded, hair slightly messy, eyes still amazed, cheeks flushed, he look back down at the baby's face.
"Hello, Aurora. I'm your favourite uncle." 

Aurora's P.O.V:

I didn't know what to say or do to the man in front of me, my gaze slowly swept over all my siblings, stopping briefly at Nico, he seemed relaxed, he was never relaxed whenever I had anyone near me, same gender or opposite. His big brother radar was always up. I looked at the man confused, maybe I should just thank him for the comment about the mesmerising eyes?

"Thanks," I finally mumbled softly and his eyes softened, he nodded. 

"You must be tired. We can talk later," He told me, shifting so he was standing sideways and nodded at the path Justin had disappeared up at. "There's a house up there."

I nodded silently and looked at Alina for confirmation, my sister gave me a single nod and I almost ran up the caked path, like one of those baked brick paths in Italy or France but even prettier leading to a breathtaking bungalow. Did he seriously call this just a house?

I turned my head, no one had followed so I took a deep breath, looking at the bungalow, I wasn't really sure if it was a bungalow, there was definitely more than one floor, so maybe between a chalet or chateau. 

I didn't get a word for it but it looked like it was straight out of a fairy-tale, it was wooden but modern, with large windows, all I knew was that it was one of the prettiest houses I'd ever seen. 

I put my palms against my cheeks and then finally entered through the door, almost tripping over Justin's bag, what did he keep in it anyway? My brother was against a counter, a bottle of chocolate spread in his hand.

"Who is he?" I hissed dropping my bag beside his and walking forward. 

"Oh, he didn't tell you?"

"Justin, who"-

"Well, I can't tell you, it's a conversation you and him have to have."

"Justin! For god's sake just tell me"

"Gods?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Alina's sake." I gritted out and my hands curled up in frustration. 

"Uncle," He finally said eyeing the door, as if making sure no one was there. "He's our uncle."

"But all the videos? I never saw him, no one's even mentioned him. And wha"-

"That's because I don't exist." A voice cut me off, he was standing there, hands in his pockets and pointed at Justin to get out, my brother just gave me a small smile and then walked out with the bottle still in hand. 'Uncle' stood at the doorway for another minute, and then walked in, closing the door behind him. 

"I was going to show you your room," He finally said quietly, "And I would like to tell you everything, myself...if you let me." 

I nodded. An Uncle, I had an uncle and no one bothered telling me, and that made me really mad, I thought I was trusted?  There's no way I have an Uncle. What if he's like my previous one? Knowing but ignoring for the sake of no disagreements? 

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