Chapter Twenty-Six: Alina is your safe place.

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Austin held his baby sister close for a few minutes before stepping onto the ice, his feet gliding across the ice, he smiled at her awed expression. 
"I'll teach you one day"

Aurora's P.O.V:

A gasp escaped my lips, my lungs hurt as though I was breathing in fire, I glanced back into the darkness, the man was still there, he was still there. 

My feet carried me faster, my hands were shaking...god, why were they shaking? Tears flew down my cheeks as I struggled to breathe, running through. 

I needed to go.

I needed to run faster, I needed to escape.

"What are you doing, Aurora?" A sob escaped my lips as I saw Vince standing in front of me. "Why are you running?"

"Yeah" A cocky voice followed, Milo appearing, he flashed his million-dollar smile, a shiver travelled down my spine, I swallowed the pitiful cry. "You can't live without us. You love us. You need us."

"But..." Justin's voice interfered "We don't need you."

"What...about s-soccer and th-the" Another sob escaped "Jokes and s-stories, y-you can't..."

"Shhh" Dustin's voice was cold "You're just embarrassing yourself."

"Torture or Killing is the question?" Landon tilted his head at my state and Austin's gaze turned to Nico.

"Big brother, would you like to do the honours?"

"There's nothing I'd fucking love more" A shot rang out, searing pain on my forehead, I tried to search for Alina there, and then I caught her staring, a glass of whiskey in her hand, ice-blue eyes calm. Indifferent.


I breathed out, panting for air.

Just another nightmare. I was fine. I was okay. 

I used the sleeve of my night-top to wipe the sweat off my face, getting out of the covers, letting my feet touch the floor, a shiver passed through me.

Just another nightmare. 

 I had to keep reminding myself for a few seconds, they had been a frequent occurrence, not only now but ever since I was a child. They sucked but I was used to them. 

Alina never really appeared in any of them, if she did...she'd either not react, stay as still as a statue or say something that calmed my nerves despite the nightmare. She was the only person who had never directly hurt me in my nightmares, everyone had. Including myself. At least a clone of me. 

Just another nightmare, Aurora, just a nightmare.

With another deep breath and one final nod, I got myself to stand up gingerly and stared at the clock that read 5 am clearly. 

It was still dark outside. 

Justin was probably hung-over today. He told me yesterday while playing Alina finally let the four of them go to a high-school rave on some private property after my shooting thing. I wonder if I'd ever be able to go. 

Well...the three of them, Austin was out of the city for the night for some reason.

Would I be allowed to do that? 

I just splashed m face with cold water after I was done brushing my teeth, another shiver passed through me, this time because of the cold. I grabbed the coat Vince left in my room, it belonged to him and would probably be too large on me but I put it on anyway, grabbing my arms at the instant warmth.

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