Chapter Twelve: Percy Jackson and the powerful seven.

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"That's a boy" Landon frowned at the guy who sat side by side on the swings with his sister.
"Yes because 3-year-old boys have so many moves." Austin rolled his eyes but walked nearer making Justin snort while Dustin was already behind his sister, and placed his hands on her shoulders.
"Dusty! Lowk made a new frien'." Aurora said giggly as he reached out, picking her up by her arm-pits, not to his chest but holding her out in front of him, so they were eye level.
"Friend?" He raised an eyebrow scowling at the other kid.
"Mhmm" Aurora nodded eagerly "He's really nice. He likes Simba too."
"Of course he does" Dustin's bitter reply made Austin roll his eyes.
"Can I play some more?" Aurora's big eyes looked at Dustin who just pulled her to his chest, his eyes met Alina's who raised an eyebrow, he put the girl back down and looked at the little boy, with a threatening smile.
"Careful, you aren't Rhydian and I know how you look."

Aurora's P.O.V:

As the teacher read the list of names, she stopped at mine, adjusted her glasses and then looked at me. 


 A heard a few gasps. 

Dramatic, much? 

"You're eleven" 

"Ye..up" I said slowly nodding my head. I wasn't bad at interacting with people, just very awkward, but not bad and in my defence, the whole class was looking at me. I didn't look back at any of them. 

"Alright take a seat, Miss Black." A guy grumbling picked himself up from the last bench and then looked at me. 

"Well go on then." 

"Ah...You can sit there, I'm okay with sitting in the front." 

"You're...a...Black." He said slowly, narrowing his eyes. 

"" I nodded and then shrugged "But I'm good sitting here, you don't have to get up." 

"As you wish" He walked back muttering something that sounded very much like 'Your highness'. 


I saw Dev get up from where he was, and tap the girl next to me as if in a daze, picked her bag up and walked to where he was. Dev slumped down in the seat next to me.

 What the actual fuck is going on here. 

"Okay then, let's get on with the rest of the things" The teacher cleared her throat "You have should all have a list of clubs, even if you've been a student here since day 1, you have the rest of the week to choose, decide, and let me know. One of them should be taken up. I hope all of you have an amazing year and en"- 

The bell rang. That was quick.


Every class the teacher paused at my name. Every class everyone was surprised at the fact that I chose to sit in the front. Every class I felt someone staring at me but didn't look back. Every class I wanted to go back home. Every class reminded me of the reasons why I don't like school.

"How was thy first day so far?" Rhydian swung his arm over my shoulder while we waited for Fiona to be done with whatever she was doing in her locker.

"Tell me, Rhydian" Dev leaned on a locker, on one side of his shoulder, clicking a pen. "It's your first day in a school full of snobs with large ego complexes, and every one of them scared to shit of your family and their friend group and expecting you to be the same. How would thy first day be?"

"He put it in words." I nodded and looked at Rhydian who just blinked at me then shook his head. 

"And I'm done!" Fiona shut her locker. 

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