Chapter Nineteen: I'll make it up to you, word.

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Each Black sibling checked up on the sleeping three-year-old who had caught the bug, just making sure she was okay. Every five minutes.
"Do you think it's because we played in the pool?" Milo asked looking at his uncle who shook his head with a small smile.
"No bud, it's not on you."

Third Person P.O.V:

"I'm going to ask you one more time without hurting you myself." Alina's icy looked into the eyes of the man with a now battered face, courtesy of Nico or Vincent, she didn't ask. "Who do you work for?"

When the man didn't speak, Alina nodded with a small smile.

"Have it your way then" Alina found his hand, carelessly grabbing his index finger and pushing it back until it was near snapping, he screamed in agony, tears flowing down his eyes at the infuriating pain. "My patience is wearing thin and I'd advise you to speak up already, especially if you want the mercy of a faster death because Nico is already planning every type of torture imaginable."


A snap rang out, followed by a scream and heavy sobs.

"Oh but you can, remember you have another 7 fingers and 2 thumbs left, not to mention your toes" Alina looked at him, her voice cool and composed as ever. "You're dying either way, here or back at the feet of your boss."

"I can't."

"No? Pity. I heard you had a four-year-old daughter, I'm sure you would love to watch as she is tortured, huh? Listen to her cries and screams, over and over and over until she dies."

"You're a monster!" He spat out and Alina smiled, a cold, spine chilling smile.

"Do not tell me you weren't warned, everyone is and yet you decided to go after the one thing that I consider the most important. If you hurt my family it's only fair I hurt yours, don't you agree?"

"Sh-She's fo-four!"

"I should care because?" Alina twisted his finger, she meant her words. She would have the four-year-old hurt in unimaginable ways if it meant her family was out of harm's way, over and over again. There was a time that Alina would never even dream of harming someone in any way but then she grew up. This wasn't a fairy-tale, there was no right and wrong, people did whatever they needed to survive. Good people didn't have it good. Bad people didn't have it bad. It wasn't fair but that's how the world was, and she'd made peace with it a long time ago. Especially if it meant keeping family safe.

Her phone dinged, Milo was awake.

"Pl-please..." The man sobbed in pain, both emotional and physical.

"You caught me in a good mood, you have 5 hours to decide, a minute more and I will follow through with my threat, meanwhile, I'm sure my brothers are itching to get their hands on you."

With another cruel, bone-chilling look his way, she walked out and into her car, parked inside of the warehouse and drove off, his screams echoing behind.


"Just let me go see her once" Alina's ears caught Milo's protest before she entered, just as Vince said no.


"Milo" Alina's voice floated, "She's still not conscious, and you have lost tons of blood, so how about you lay back down, we'll have a chat and when you regain some more of your energy, you can go visit her, hmm?"

"Okay," Milo said biting the inside of his cheek reminding Alina so much of when he was ten, he laid back down, pulling the covers up. A habit all of them had, not one could sleep without something covering them no matter how hot it was.

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