Chapter Six: You're a Black, cuddle bug.

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"Mickey" Aurora looked at Milo who shook his head, his sky blue eyes meeting her mismatched blue ones. "Mimi!"
"MiLO, baby, Milo"
"Lo, cuddle bug" He sighed, shaking his head. "Milo"
"No!" Aurora blew a raspberry and then raised her hands. "Bubby."
"Just because you call me that doesn't mean it's my name."
"Bubby. Bubby. Bubby. Bubby. Bubby."
A laugh left his lips at the repeated term as he picked the girl up.
"Alright baby, gonna stay your bubby okay?"

Aurora's P.O.V:

"There you are" Milo sighed a smile on his face. "You look pretty."

My cheeks warmed, as I looked at the guy who was apparently my older brother. One of the many and so far, my favourite.

"Thank you" I mumbled out shyly, that being all I could manage, I didn't know what to say. You too?

Milo chuckled, placing his hand on my back, leading me with him.

"Where are we going?" I looked up at him, asking softly and then bit my tongue. Aunt Mel hated when I asked questions.

"A couple of places" He drew his hand back from my shoulder blades, to type something onto his phone.

Milo wasn't as lazy dressed as I was used to seeing boys, he wasn't in a coat with a suit like Vincent was but he wasn't in sleeping shorts and a hoodie either. He was dressed casually, in a dark maroon t-shirt, black jeans, some really expensive-looking shoes, and a watch that looked like it cost him more than three phones. From what I concluded so far, Alina was dressed most intimidatingly in a black shirt, trousers, watch, signet, polished shoes, followed by Vincent in a suit, and then Nico in his leather jacket, finally Milo in a white t-shirt with a flannel jacket when he hugged me and now in this attire which was just as casual. He felt most human out of the siblings I had met yet. 

We had been walking for a few minutes now, inside this maze of a palace rather than house, when he stopped and slipped his phone into his back pocket.

I blinked at the elevator doors, and he smiled.

"Surprise" He pressed a button, the golden doors opening immediately, and we stepped into the spacious elevator, again with white marble flooring, gold walls, buttons and a scanning pad. 

He hovered a card over the black block like scanning pad, and then pressed a button near to the end causing the doors to close.

"There's one at the end corner of every corridor." He informed me, a small smile still playing on his lips.

Do his lips never hurt?

I was in no way complaining though, his smile was pretty and comforting. His grins, laughs and soft smiles made me feel lighter around him. They were contagious too and way better than Alina's formality and coldness and Nico's hatred. Vince was pretty nice to me too.

"You'll get your own card by the end of the day," Milo told me as the doors opened. "It's useful if Alina wants to catch a hold of you actually, not that she needs it, she seems to know everything but the place is huge, makes it easier."

We stepped out into a smaller room than the previous ones, but still larger than two-three entire classrooms of my previous school.

A red couch, with white armchairs on each side, stood in the middle, another alcohol tray with glass bottles of whatever liquid it was on the side, a coat hanger, and another pair of doors. 

Milo quickly typed a code onto another pad, and let his thumb scan, making the doors open to the largest garage I had ever, and probably will ever see.

"Nice, eh?" He whistled, pulling me along when I seemed to have frozen onto the ground. The walls were made up of glossy black glass, the floor black, again very shiny and smooth. There were cars, lined up, and floors too filled up with them.

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