Chapter Eight: I didn't know.

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"Mhmm?" Alina looked at the toddler pulling her sleeve.
"Will you get me whatwever I want?"
"And what is it that you want exactly?"
"I wan' a chocolate" Aurora grinned up cheekily "Bubba is mean and everywtime I awsk him I just get a visit from the ticwkle monster" Aurora scrunched her nose up in distaste. "I down't like the ticwkle monster."
This erupted a smile from Alina who easily picked up the girl, sitting her on the breakfast bar in front of her, tilting her own head up so their noses touched.
"As long as you're a good girl, I'll get you anything in the world."
Aurora's giggles filled the room at the promise, a happy twinkle in both the eldest and youngest's eyes.
"I'm always good"
"Yes," Alina agreed, resting her head against the little one's chest, closing her eyes as Aurora ran her little fingers through Alina's hair. "Yes, you really are, kiddo."

Aurora's P.O.V:

I'll admit as scared as I was, I loved the time I spent with Milo and as much as I loved the time I spent with him, I was tired and ever ready to get into the comfortable cloudlike beds they had here, I was used to sleeping on a spare mattress laid out on the ground, but when I woke up today, I felt as if I was floating on a cloud.

And I would gladly be in bed right now rather than feeling anxious about seeing my sister again, this time I was scared for reasons more than one; I had a panic attack, Milo must have told because even though he was nice, he had known her longer, he was more of her brother than mine. I was strangely embarrassed of the fact. I also was scared of what my Aunt must have said to her about me while I was gone to pack, she was hurtful but I guess I deserved it, and tough love isn't all that bad, oh and before I forget there was also this ordeal where I saw her shoot a man four times.

Not to mention the scarily powerful aura she had.

A wave of coldness hit me as I passed two guards stationed in front of the corridor Milo led me to.

"C'mon, bug" He nudged me "It'll be over quick."

I shot him a smile and he nodded this time reaching out to take my hand and continued walking, his posture changing, face stoic, thankful his hand did not leave mine.

"Look to your left" Milo immediately instructed and I did.

"Keep going," He told the man, I slightly shivered at the coldness in his voice, it was like a flip switched inside of him. "Fast."

"It's okay" He looked down at me, leaving my hand, instead wrapping one around my shoulder tightly tucking me to his side. "Just close your eyes till we reach, okay?"

I nodded and then mumbled a quick 'Okay' when I realised he was waiting for a verbal response in this situation. It made a lil sense honestly.

I had quickly noticed as I was walking that this corridor had no rooms, men stood every six inches from each other, armed with rifles. I thought the mansion was cold and scary, but this? this made me realise that what I had thought too cold and scary was nothing and I was sure this wasn't the worse.

"Open your eyes, Rora"  I felt his arm undrape from around me, and knock the massive doors in front of me, two guards stationed on each side of it. 

The doors opened two men stepping out in suits, one of them being Vince, who gently placed his hand on my shoulder and then walked away, Milo behind him leaving me standing in front of Alina's doors.

Finally, I had to face my eldest alone and I was in no way ready, but I stepped into the large room, it was themed in dark colours, larger than probably the whole apartment I was in, a desk was there in the middle, a massive desk, with beautiful wooden carvings on the legs, bookcases on one side, the other filled with weapons.

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