Chapter Twenty-Three: I miss the french toasts.

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"I'm moving out," Alina announced. 
Percy's eyebrows raised in surprise, lips tilting upwards in some sort of amusement. 
"Where to?" He decided to play along watching his brother carry Austin in his arms, it was his first day out of the hospital. Cole tried not to laugh then and there, he adored his eldest niece, really, he bragged about her even. She was smarter than any other teenager he knew and yet.  
"I bought an apartment."
"Here I thought you spent that money on a car."
"Well, I didn't." 

Aurora's P.O.V:

Alina's apartment was, of course, made of the entire topmost floor. Who has ten bedrooms in one apartment? It was clear Alina did not care much for fine woodwork and antiques as Vince did when it came to houses and living spaces but hers was just as elegant as his. More even. The floor was white marble, with floor-to-ceiling windows, fireplaces, a hot tub, and rugs here and then, the tones all neutral, grey, black, white and cream.

I had waited when we had come and Alina had taken a few seconds to hang her coat, put down the bags on the coffee table, and waited for her to tell me where I could shut myself and as soon as she had, I did. I noticed the difference immediately, the floor was wooden here, the carpets all cream and the lightest pale blue, it was calming. I realised, after hours of being curled up under the covers on the bed, it seemed to be designed for me. 

It had been hours since we came. I did sleep at night, but I got up early. I could not help it. TH image kept coming back to me. Alina killing the person kept coming back to me. His cries rang loudly in my head. I really tried not to cry. 

I didn't want to cry. 

I did however, the tears leaked out. I tried to understand why. I knew they killed. I knew it. I'd seen Alina kill before. Thrice. She'd killed three men the night I met her, the night I saw her for the first time.

She told me what she did.

She did not lie.

I had seen.

But right now, I felt like I had seen nothing before this point.

I had to partake in this at some point like the rest of them, train for a year in Italy, come back, join in. And I'd be alone. I know that Alina and Vince went together. I know that Nico and Milo will go together. In a few years, so will the triplets and Landon. I'd be alone.

What then? Who would tell me it's fine? I'd be utterly alone. I'd have to kill.

That was a fact. 

I pulled myself up, rubbing circles on my eyes, feeling my comparatively cold hands press to my warm face, I needed to shower. I wiped away the lingering tears. I needed to talk to Alina.  I made my feet work, I made my hands work. I washed my face. I brushed my teeth. I made myself look presentable and not the zombie-like creature I seemed to resemble. 

"Aurora," A raised voice called, as my hands ran through my hair. "Breakfast." 

I opened my door, walking out slowly. Alina was in the kitchen. The pans were sizzling. My sister was standing in dark grey sweatpants, a black t-shirt, her pendant out of her shirt for once. I stared at it for a few seconds. Do you get it when you first kill?

I sat down. 

There was a plate in front of me with cut-up fruit, and a glass filled with orange juice. 

Her phone was tucked between her shoulder and her ear as she bought the pan near my plate, putting two french toasts on it, she continued speaking to the other person on the line, making herself a cup of coffee. Was this what it would be like if we were not involved with the mafia? Alina cooking for us, busily cooking yes but not working all the time. Something tells me it would not. 

I stabbed my fork into the bread, cutting it out and shoving it into my mouth before Alina could raise her eyebrow in a...the bread is amazing. I cut out another bite, put it delicately into my mouth and repeated the process. Alina stood, leaning against a countertop, sipping her coffee, done with her phone call. I made eye contact for a few seconds before looking away. The tension in the air was y clear and yet the silence is comfortable. I could not help but drink in the normalcy of the situation I was in minus the memories and the insanely lavish apartment. 

I looked at my eldest for a few minutes silently. I do that with all my siblings sometimes. To convince myself they're real, to spot the similarities and differences, everything really. I don't know the exact reason.

Alina's hair were not wild but it was obvious her fingers ran through them a great amount today, she looked comfortable despite the situation, if it even was a situation to her. Too comfortable. She looked younger too, not that she looked old but it was the look after a great sleep, a rested look, she was not serious, her face had no emotion on it yet it wasn't stone cold like it usually was.

A lot had happened these few days.

A lot.

I started gulping my juice. Alina finished her coffee.

"If you need me, I will be on the balcony."

That was her leaving. I wanted to say something. I really did. I wanted to ask her questions. I wanted to yell at her. I wanted to convince her to stop doing what she did.

But I did nothing.

I usually did nothing. It was really fucking annoying. 

Before I could change my mind and say something though, Alina had already put her cup into the sink and left. I sighed, slumping as I finished my orange juice staring at the now empty plate.

I miss the french toasts. 


Listen, something is going to happen, that's why this chapter is late. I was deciding between this chapter or the next chapter on when to reveal the information. Or would it be to add the information? I don't know. 

Anyway, it's not edited, thank you so much for reading, voting, commenting, whatever is it you did. Thanks. 

We're like really close to 100k by the way. Thank you for that.

How are all of you btw?


I'll update in 2-5 business days. 

Adios Amigos. <3

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