Chapter Two: To Alina.

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Landon stood on the stage, a forceful smile on his face as the principal badged him, he saw Justin, Aurora and Dustin, clap and cheer from where they were, it felt too much, especially since he knew that the badge was not reserved for him but Austin all along. 

Aurora's P.O.V:

It was a surety, according to everyone I knew, that when the time came, I would be prefect. They always failed to recognise the fact that the rest of my siblings had been in this school since they were mere five year olds and I had only recently joined. 

It was also important to note my absolute disregard for punctuality. I was constantly and perpetually late for everything. Class, clubs or even school in general and if that was not enough to prove my incompetence for the position, I also spray-painted an entire wall in the main building with Landon, Dustin and Justin before they graduated. 

I don't know why after that, I still made my hair properly.

But I did.

I practically sprinted downstairs, my hair flying behind as if I were a cartoon. Panting, I grabbed a toast, smiled at Alina, kissed Vincent's cheek and ran out without even a word exchanged amongst us. 

I would have skipped breakfast honestly, but the last time I did so, Vince and Alina sent someone with an entire packed feast for breakfast and I mean enough to feed five people. 

Rhydian had never laughed harder and Fiona had never been more jealous.

"Hey," I slammed Dev's car door shut behind me before turning to face him, "Sorry."

"You always are," He rolled his eyes, his lips tugged into his soft lazy smirk of a smile and I held out my toast to him. He bit a piece off. 

"You know what would make it better?" He asked and before I could answer, he did, "Nutella."


"How are you two always so late without fail?"

"Ask Rora girl," Dev had his arm around Fiona's waist. I rolled my eyes, tugging Rhydian, who was walking quite slowly, along. There was no rush as we walked through the corridor, making our way to the assembly hall because we were so late. 

"It is because he likes to comment on my breakfast."

"A toast," Dev corrected me with a flick to my head and I twisted his fingers in response, "A blank bare ashamed toast."

"Ashamed?" I asked Dev's lip curled up and he nodded. It was eerie how much taller he had grown, how much cockier. His hair was grown out now, slightly curly. He ran his hand through his hair quite often now. He looked beautiful, in short.

"Ashamed," He nodded, "Because his mistress"-

"I don't want to know," I pushed him away as we walked into the auditorium, my eyes desperately searching for a certain someone. Dan waved at me from the auditorium.

"I saved you a seat!" He called out.

"We have an entire row saved already," West commented appearing at my left, his arm around me, "Drive me home today? I'm a little sick of the rest."

"Where is your car?" I questioned him, beckoning Dan to come over.


"It's the first day of school," I told him, "Besides I have a date with Dan and then training."

"So what I hear is I can get your car, you can drive with Dev?"

"No, West," I rolled my eyes, "I'll drop you off."

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