Chapter Twenty-Six: Give me your vape.

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"The Styles family has a new boss."
"Send him my congratulations," Alina sipped her drink, her eyes never leaving the document she was reading, for two reasons, one; She was not interested in the styles family at the moment, two; She did want to see her advisor's face any longer than she had to. "Tell me about the Spalittes for now."

Aurora's P.O.V:

Nico made sure all of us ate something before returning to our rooms. For a second, as I stuffed the food into my mouth, I really appreciated the effort it must be taking my usually rather...passionate brother. He was not punching a hole in the wall or punching people in a punching ring somewhere, he was not yelling, he was not even smoking at this point, only refilling our glasses with juices and water, making sure we ate. 

He'd left Milo on the couch, he was entirely unconscious now. Nico rolled his eyes every time they travelled to him. I could see the exhaustion on his face. I figured that eating was the only way to help him and I did so before climbing up the stairs, walking into my room and shutting the door. 

Landon was on my bed. 

"Where's my sketchbook?"

"In Alina's apartment," I lied, "She said she'd bring it back tonight."

He breathed in and then out. 

"Let's get something clear here, Aurora," I swallowed my saliva as he walked towards me, "Never touch my sketchbooks again, I will burn your fingers off if you do. Understand me?"

I nodded. 


I looked at the ground, not used to this side of the brother who was mostly pleasant towards me. I don't think anyone had ever threatened me physically before. I shuddered after he shut the door. I had heard of my brother's strange love for playing around with matchsticks and lighters. The threat felt almost real. I knew he couldn't do that but there was a part of me that argued that he could. Any of them could do anything to me. They wouldn't. But they could. Apparently, them doing nothing at all would hurt most. I didn't get it at the time. I was just frozen to the ground because of a threat that held no weight, ignoring the very obvious threat that was staring me in my face every single day.

Before I could move again, there was a knock at the door. 

"Rora girl?"


"Come in," I called out. The door opened and he peaked into the room before fully entering. "I'm going take a shower and wash my hair."

"And I'm going to watch a movie, eat chocolate and maybe vape." 

"You vape too much."

"You talk too much."

"Go die."

"Only if you join me, meri jaan."

"What's that?"


"Meari...whatever" I stopped trying as he laughed out. 

"A nickname."

"What does it mean?"

"That you should go shower because you look like an"-

"Stop talking," I told him stepping into my bathroom and shutting the door behind me. I heard Dev laugh. The heaviness from early eased a little. Whatever I was feeling in my chest after my encounter with my brother, this conversation had eased it. It felt good. It felt normal. It would become a daily thing in the future.

I took my time in the shower. I let the water run over me. I let myself clear my head as I listened to the sounds of water hit the floor, feeling how they ran down me. The scent of my body wash filled up the bathroom. I sighed as my muscles were loose again. I finally got out of the shower, dried myself and put on a t-shirt I had stolen from Vince a few weeks ago. It was one of my favourites and I missed my eldest brother. I was still a little sore but I think we all missed him. 

I wore Nico's shorts. I didn't bother with my own clothes or looking presentable. I was practically drowning in these ones. It was only Dev and I would probably just stay under the covers most of the time. I yawned, walking out with my hair dryer. 

"Do you want help with that?"

"You can dry my hair?"

"I have an older sister and a lot of cousins," Dev said. He was sprawled on my bed watching Netflix on the tv. The remote hath returned. 

"Okay," I shrugged and walked towards him, he sat up and took the thing from my hands. I silently sat down in front of him. 

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine," I told him, cracking my knuckles, he started blowing the cool air into my hair. 

"Apart from that."

"Everyone's sad," I told him.

"I know."

"And I don't want to lose him you know, I mean I just found all of them like yesterday, it's just bad. I can distract myself pretty easily during the day, it's at night which is going to be hard and Milo's unconscious, Vince is not home, Alina's alone at the hospital, Austin was in the operating room for an entire six fucking hours, Dev. It's not even a joke. It's...scary and everyone's scared. I'm so scared that she was right, that I did this."

"Who was right?" 

My Aunt. I bring sadness everywhere. 

"Nothing. Tell me something." I pulled at my fingers looking down as he dried my hair.

"You remember when you ran away that time?"

I winced.


"Well, you talked to an old man."


"He used to be the head of a very big cartel, he's tired."

"Excuse me?"

"He used to be the head of a cartel, a very mean man, does not like a lot of people including most of your brothers, though he does admire Alina and sympathise with Nico. You and Austin are perhaps the only ones he likes from our generation of families."

"He doesn't like you?"

"He didn't like his own son for years. I'm not taking it personally."

"Cartel, huh?"

"A very powerful one."

"Give me your vape."



I will finish this part of 'Blood' before the new year and start causing the pain now. It's too lovey-dovey. Part three will be the start of the end in a way. I'm deciding if I want to switch between Alina and Aurora's P.O.V. for the fourth part so you know what's been happening since the family reunited. 

Or maybe not.

We'll see. Leave a comment? 

Also, opinions on Shatter Me? Or any old money romance recs or whatever would be highly appreciated. 

How was everyone's Christmas? It was my sister's birthday yesterday so it was even more fun to tease her.


Love you, thanks for reading.

Adios Amigos. <3

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