Chapter Nine: "This love came back to me."

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"Dad, she really is nice," Vincent looked at Harry who buttoned his cuffs, he nodded.
"We'll see, bud." A small huff left Vince's lips as he rolled his eyes, of course, he understood where the overprotectiveness was coming from, only Dexter's late wife and Xander's wife were the ones who didn't want the Blacks as lovers due to ulterior motives. But they were talking about his teenage girlfriend, from school, a nice girl at that.
"For now," Harry's finger tapped the teenager's lip, "Watch the attitude."
Vince only nodded in response, shaking his head as he let himself fall back on his father's bed, watching him as he retreated soon joined by Alina on his side, talking about god knows what. A miserable sigh left the love-struck boy's lips. This was going to be a disaster.

Third Person's P.O.V:

'Oh, and he don't know That I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive. Carved my name into his leather seats.'

"Babe?" Vince answered on the second ring, Poppy breathed in, a little glad. His voice calmed her down, she'd known it forever after all.

"Vince, are you sure we should do this? I mean wh"-

"Poppy, calm down, darling."

"No, I mean I really can't, what if I say something wrong"-

"Caliope." His voice stressed and she stopped, taking another deep breath in. "They're just my siblings, apart from one I can always tell them off if they go too far."

"That's just it. I don't want you to do that, I don't want them to go too far either and I can't figure out what to wear and I haven't seen you in forever."

A soft chuckle followed.

"Don't laugh!"

"Sorry, Cuore Mio, I'm sorry," A little smile appeared on her lips at the nickname, and perhaps the fact that she was the only person who wasn't a Black that he apologised to. Vincent might be the most polite out of the older four, the one with kindest heart but that never took away the fact he was a Black. He didn't admit defeat, he sure as hell didn't apologise. Caliope...Poppy always thought that it was because of his business, because he was in a high position of power.

Because Vince told her everything but one. Because no one that wasn't involved couldn't be aware. Because he didn't want her light taken away by the world he grew up in. Because she meant so much more to him.

She always had.

Her silence was moment enough for Vince to hear Carrie underwood being blasted in the background.

"Before he cheats?"

"Thought a badass song might help with nerves."

A knock interrupted the conversation, still holding her phone to her ear she opened the apartment door.

"Miss me?" Vince kissed her, forgetting about the flowers in his hand. Caliope laughed against his lips in surprise, in the joy she felt. Her hands immediately touched his jaw, tracing his bone. Vince closed his eyes at the touch, picking the woman up, putting her head under her chin, shutting the door with a kick. Caliope smiled as her fingers ran through his slightly messy hair as he carried her to the bed.

Throwing her on it, Vince climbed over his girlfriend as she laughed and placed a kiss onto her cheek, and then the other, forehead, nose and Caliope tried to hold her giggles as he kissed her ears and then a moan left her lips, her body arching upwards, her fingers digging into his back and his hair as he kissed that sweet spot on her neck.

Vince's lips spread against the bare skin into a smile at her reaction, his pretty responsive bellezza. Sometimes he couldn't believe they stayed apart for those years in the middle, but to be fair, it never really worked, with them being minors, his possessive family and her overprotective one. 

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