Chapter Seven: There are two types of people...

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"Mhmm?" Milo looked at the toddler who smiled at him sweetly.
"Yeah, shortcake, that's what we're doing."
"Allw dawy?"
"No." Milo said sternly. "Bubby can't play with you all day, I have friends too"
"But bubbbyyyyyyy"
"But babbbbyyyy" Milo mocked and then put the mini slice of pizza to her lips, letting her take a small bite. They spent all day together.

Aurora's P.O.V:


Milo had taken us bowling, I had never gone bowling before, I had no idea how to play.

"I have no idea how to play" I pulled at his sleeve and his lip curled into a small smirk.

"Okay here" He hooked his fingers into the holes on a ball. "Now what you do is aim for bowling pins, if you get all of them to fall it's a strike okay?"

"Okay" I nodded unsurely and he handed me another ball, I did what he did.

"Now just" He took his arm back, and then bent a little and threw the ball, it spun as it reached the end and knocked out all the pins but one.

"Woah" I stared at the almost empty space and he nodded.

"Go on" He looked at me when the pins were placed again, I took a deep breath, before copying his actions, immediately crossing my fingers as the ball spun on the board.

I got a strike.

"You sure you haven't done it before?" Milo raised an eyebrow, amusement dancing in his eyes, as I shook my head.

"Uh-huh" He shook his head "I'm coming for you, baby Black"

"I'm not a baby" I mumbled and he snorted.

"Sure" He patted my head before picking up a ball and letting it glid over the boards.

He got a strike too.

Milo smirked at me, handing me a ball, I took a deep breath, bending a little, letting my hand hang, and then threw it forward with the force, the ball rolled straight forward immediately knocking down almost all the pins, 3 remaining.

"It's okay, baby, you have the excuse" Milo picked up a ball and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What excuse?"

"That" His hand left the ball, a smirk on his lip as he turned to me "You're a baby."


"Oh look, another strike, baby."

"I'm not a baby" I grumbled picking up a ball, my eyes widening immediately, Milo laughed taking it from me and handed me another one. Lighter one.

"Like I said, baby."

"Don't be mean" I looked at him, he turned me by my shoulders and pushed the back of my head forward.

"Go on, baby"

I huffed not understanding how he got me so annoyed so quick after being so nice. Must be his special talent.

Little did I know each and every sibling of mine had this excellent talent.

It was a strike. I grinned looking at him.

"Still a long way to go to beat me, baby." He winked at me.


I beat him.

It took a few hours, a lot of groaning and grinning, a lot of him annoying me with the calling me baby or little girl but in the end, I won and he lost. And god it felt so good, the win was probably the reason I was more confident with him now, in a petty little way my ego had been boosted, not to mention I already was comfortable with him, it was clear he had gotten comfortable with me too, that's where the sweet nicknames switched to meaner teasing ones.

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