Chapter Thirty: His.

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"Hey" Justin waved at the camera, sitting on the couch between Dustin and Landon, Austin recorded on one of the cameras laying around the mansion. "We're waiting for you to come home."
"I honestly just want the chocolates that mum hid," Landon shrugged.
"Stop trying to act cool, bro. You're literally giddy with excitement." Dustin rolled his eyes, reaching for a pillow and throwing it at Landon's face, a deathly pillow match starting.

Aurora's P.O.V:

Videos of me and my siblings, videos after videos, after videos, after videos, after videos.

Kids playing, kids smiling, kids in trouble, kids with chocolate smeared on their faces. Teenagers, teenagers walking around with a phone in their hands, teenagers with stuff they liked to do, teenagers helping the kids steal junk food, and a baby, a baby they loved so much, you could see it in the eyes, the way they spoke, the way they held me. 

All of them.

I almost cried every time I heard my mother's voice, or my father's voice...or Uncle Percy's voice, any of their voices, I'd get the feeling of deja vu through me before sadness filled me, both at my actions and that we'd never know each other.

And god, Justin is so similar to his da...Uncle Cole and Nico and Dustin are practically like mixtures of my dad and Uncle Dexter, and Milo? He's the mixture of Uncle Cole and Harry...and Alina is just like Uncle Percy in all aspects. 

I found so many bits of all them in every one of us, maybe they'd live as long as we did that way. Parts of them, their personality, their looks sprinkled amongst all eight of us. 

Maybe we weren't biologically siblings, just cousins, but I doubt even siblings are this close to each other usually. I was scared of the consequence, facing the rest, but I felt comforted slightly, they may have grown up, got closed off, but they were still the same people, and if they could love me without even knowing me, I could be scared and still love them. 

I didn't have the emotional range of a teaspoon, I wasn't Ronald Weasley after all.

"How are your feet?" I kept my face buried into the pillow, knowing Austin was standing at the doorframe. 

"Fine" My voice was muffled, Austin sighed walking over, I assume. I felt the bed dip beside me, his hand rubbed my back in circles. 

"C'mon," He said softly, "I'm not mad, okay? Dustin told you off already, consider that scolding from the both of us." 


"Pinky," He told me, and I looked up, his eye twinkling, finger outstretched. I wrapped my own around his, turning around as he wished but still laid back against the soft pillows of the bed, I wrapped an arm around myself.

"I'm sorry,"

"You'll be okay," He comforted me, his eyes gentle, a little sad, but gentle. 

"Will Alina be mad?"

"You bet" Another voice spoke up, my eyes met Landon's angry ones and I looked away. Austin sighed yet again as Landon walked forward, taking my shoulders and shaking me. 

"Do you have any fucking idea how badly you could've gotten hurt? Plus we just fucking got you back, goddamnit. If you feel scared, happy, sad, find one of us. Talk for fucks sake don't run away like a littl"-

"Hey enough," Dustin's voice rang out, of course, he was here too, come on Justin, we're having a small family gathering. 

On second thought, stay far far away Justin. 

I felt the guiltiest about him and I was sure I'd burst into tears as soon as I saw him.

"She knows what she did was wrong, and she did get a lecture from a fucked up guy, plus, we didn't come here to tell her off again, Lan."

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