Chapter Twenty-Three: Expresso Martini.

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"I disagree" Alina spoke up boldly entering the room having overheard Frederico's plan.
"I've heard a lot about you, Miss Black" He looked at the young girl who had walked over to her father's side. 
Percy looked at his 13 year old, curious as to what she would suggest he didn't tell her off for eavesdropping, instead he tucked her to his side.
"Can't really say the same."

Third Person's P.O.V:

"Frederico" Alina entered her office to see the man already seated across the desk and then muttered, "Just the face I wanted to see early in the morning."


"How was Italy? Is the deal sealed?"

"Yes, they gave no trouble"

"Then why does your face look like one of your cats died?"

"Bruno and Mikado are fine, thank you very much." He looked at her, a displeased look on her face and practically spat out the last word. "You introduced your youngest sister to the an associate."

"Yes, I am aware I did that." Alina sipped her expresso, and with one look at Frederico's face walked over to the 'bar on wheels' as Aurora called it, adding alcohol to the cup to make a perfect Espresso Martini. "You want anything?"

"At 8 AM?" He asked an eyebrow raised.

"Suit yourself" Alina shrugged, she wouldn't usually have anything alcoholic until after 12 either but talking to him about the subject of her siblings, she needed it. At times she didn't know how ultimately tested her patience more Ferrari, Nico, Frederico or as of recent, Dustin.

Well, Frederico technically did never test her patience, she just didn't like him.

"Why an associate? She's a Black, she should at least start out as a right-hand recruit."

"When she earns it, she'll be one."

"Police are on our tale, not to mention the recent attacks that have been taking place, she should either be in it or completely out."

"Mhm," Alina took a sip, looking at the man seated in front of her, soft-spoken, grey-haired with a moustache and a terrible trait to annoy her just by his existence. "Well, see the great thing about you being my consigliere is that...that's all you are. I get to make the final decisions, Frederico and Aurora is an associate until she does something worthy enough, even if it is the smallest thing, trains until she can handle herself against someone, knows the risk and is in the right mindset to decide it for herself."

"What are you doing, Alina? For the past year, you've been throwing orders without giving any reasons."

"I will let you know when I want to, the police shouldn't be coming for a few days at least, they need to get resources and we do too but there's something more important."

"Yes, I heard about the attack." 

"So did the rest of the world." Alina's eyes had a sort of fury in them. "Who do you propose it behind this?"

"It might be the cartels or even some small gang, it's hard to say for sure but I'll get my friends to keep their ears open and let me know."

"Make sure these friends of yours are trustworthy enough, I don't want anything going wrong. It takes time to form alliances and with one mistake they can be lost. I do not want this to be the case."

"Yes...Boss. I'll make sure."

"Good" Alina nodded pleased at the lack of arguments. 

"What about the police?"

"Be careful, what else?"

"Well, your brothers are getting quite reckless."

"As reckless as Aunt Maddie?" At the lack of response, she continued. "Thought so but in a way, they are, I will talk to all of them about it, anything else, Frederico?"

"I do not think so" He stood up extending his hand towards Alina. "It was nice to see you in person"

"It must be."


In my defence...Diwali and Cube. 

Ik this chapter is short but I really needed to show you the conversation between Alina and Frederico, I could've added the next chapter's basic stuff in here but I don't want to confuse people with the P.O.V change.

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