Chapter Six: I like it when I'm meaner.

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"Nic!" Nico smiled and picked his little sister up, resting her on his hip and pressed a kiss against her forehead. 
"How'de y'know it was meee?"
"Because you say it differently," He chose not to point out the obvious. Her voice. 
"Hmm," He rested his forehead against hers, and then kissed her nose before letting her back on the ground.
"How do I say it di..differen'ly?"
"You stretch it out a bit." He told her and then lightly smacked her head. "Go bother someone else now."
"Kayy" Aurora smiled, it was their way of saying byeeee. She scrambled behind Percy who was on a call because well...even he could scare Alina. At times. Rare times. 
And because he loved her and gave her strawberries, of course, that came first.

Aurora's P.O.V:

"No no no no," I muttered, "C'mon, c'mon, not again. I can't be alone again."

But I was. Parents, siblings, teachers, kids were swarming here and there, I stood in a corner clutching my other hand, a few people waved at me, I smiled a fake one back, hoping my tears wouldn't start and my lip wouldn't tremble. 

"Aurora," Miss Roberts reached me, "Where are your guardians?"

No no no no. Not again. Please not again.

"They're in Orlando...I'm staying with a cousin."

She frowned and then nodded, checking something off and then looked back at me, a sympathetic look in her eye. 

"I'm sorry about you know..."

"It's quite alright, Aurora." She smiled at me, I felt my heart clench at the pity in her eyes. I didn't get pitiful looks anymore. I hated them. I was fine. I managed. I didn't need them, those smiles and looks of pity.

A parent that overheard the conversation gave me a smile and a thumbs up and sent their kid towards me. The girl knew me, we'd exchanged a few words before, my throat clogged up. She'd tell her others. That my family wasn't there. They'd ask, poke some fun. Some would defend me, others would join. I would try my hardest not to cry and curse my parents for leaving me alone. 

"They're not here again?" She asked me softly, reaching out to rub my hand, I flinched back.


Bright light filled my vision and dark blue eyes came into my vision, a sigh of relief left my lips even though it was my meanest brother in front of me. I was scared of him but at this moment I was so relieved I'd hug even him. 

I wasn't there. 

My heart thudded loudly against my chest, I felt sweaty and clammy but I took a deep breath.

I wasn't alone.

I had people who cared. 

"Aurora?" He asked brushing my hair out of my eyes and looked down at me with the slightest hint of concern in his usually indifferent and cold eyes. Not pity. Concern.

"Nico, hey," I tried to sit up but was unsuccessful, my brother didn't move to help get out of the blanket wrapped around me for a few seconds and then pulled one side of the covering so it rolled off, something fell out too. 

I patted my left pocket and closed my eyes for a brief moment, by the time I opened them again, he had this lighter in his hands. He raised an eyebrow at me. I smiled nervously. 

"Where's everyone?"

"By the beach," He answered, flicking the lighter on as if to check and then looked at me, very coldly. He walked forward, I shifted backwards with a gulp.

This is the day my brother kills me. 

"This," He flicked it again so a flame came over, squatting in front of me. "was uncovered. It is an antique, the safety is not guaranteed" 

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