Chapter Twenty-Nine: I would know.

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"Are you sorry yet?" Delilah looked at her nephews and son with her hands on her hips.
Nico, Dustin and Landon nodded, the older of the two sitting in the middle, all their feets hanging off the counter. 
"Alright," She relented, "Nico and Dustin you can spit it out. I asked for some hot chocolate to be made and sent to your rooms. I'll come and tuck you in, in half an hour."
Landon widened his at his mother and whined. 
"Oh no," Delilah shook her head at her five-year-old, "Absolutely not. This is the second time for you. You can have a little extra time."
Nico smirked at the five-year-old who had folded his hands against his chest to show his anger before gratefully accepting the hug his aunt pulled him in for.

Aurora's P.O.V:
(Trigger warning: Talks of addiction and overdose.)

Dustin and I sat on the counter until he had to take the pie-thing out of the oven. To be fair, Dustin and I sat on the counter for half an hour after we'd...or rather he had finished plating the delicious pie-thing. I decided to name it that. The actual name was too fancy for me to remember. My brother had successfully taken my mind off of the situation until we heard footsteps come closer. 

Both of us jumped off and quickly ran, almost jogged to our previous seats. Nico entered only a few seconds after. I reached out to squeeze Dustin's hand as he entered, Dustin didn't squeeze back but he held it gently, letting me squeeze it as hard as I wanted.

Nico was angry when he left, now, he still looked angry but calmer, more in his head. He had taken off his coat at the door probably and was in a black t-shirt, a chain around his neck that disappeared into his chest, his feet clad in grey socks, nothing out of the ordinary but for the small white shopping bag he had in his hand. 

"We made"-

"Not a word out of you, Aurora," He looked at me and then at Dustin, "You neither."

I bit my tongue back. Nico took his time, letting us sit for a few minutes as he washed his hands, got a bottle of water, drank a few gulps of it before taking out the contents of the bag. Dustin's eyes widened at the sight. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What on earth did he go out of his way to buy two soap bars for?

"Nic no," Dustin shook his head standing up from the stool, it scarped backwards loudly. I winced. 

"Sit back down," Nico snapped his fingers at the stool, "I am in no mood to be tested right now, Dustin. Extra servings are always there, little brother."

It took only two seconds for Dustin to sit back down again surprising me further, I expected a fight with the way he got up. 

"It's not good for our health."

"No, the typical soaps aren't. These are just fine."

My eyes travelled from Dustin's now rather white face to Nico's rather pale one. Alina, his face was flushed white. Anger probably. 

"Please Nico, it won't happen again."

"Dustin, not a word," Nico opened the boxes, taking out the soaps, he almost taunted Dustin, "You did the deed, now face the consequences. If you can take on a street boxer, what're a few minutes of this?"

"Hell," Dustin muttered under his breath but then set his jaw straight, clenching it. 

"Okay," Nico had a bar of soap in each hand, untouched apart from where held them, "Open your mouths."

"What?" I said so quietly it was almost a whisper. 

"Open your mouth," Nico told me, his eyes determined, I closed my own. There was no getting out of this. 

"Nico please," I begged, opening my eyes, understanding a little of what was going to happen. 

"No," He shrugged almost carelessly, "Why would I listen to either one of you? Did you do the same?"

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