Chapter Ten: Anything.

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"Badadada," Aurora happily clapped and Vince smiled, trying to forget about his nervousness.
"That's right, my girlfriend. Her name is Caliope but everyone who knows her calls her Poppy."
"Yes," Vince nodded with a lip turned up into a half-smile as he wiped some of the marks her painting session had left on her cheek. "But you'll always be my best girl, okay?"
"Yaha, Poppy!"
"Poppy can be second," He nodded solemnly.

Aurora's P.O.V:

Beautiful. Smart. Elegant. Potter-head. 

I had quite a list for my oldest brother's girlfriend. He was the perfect brother. He had to have the perfect partner. 

But the biggest requirement is that she's nice to him.

I really hope she is nice and she makes him really happy and feel butterflies and that sort of thing because Vince really really deserves it. And while I was pretty excited for Alina's overprotectiveness to show today, I also hoped that it would go well.

And most importantly, I hoped that it....she wouldn't change the sibling dynamic. 

I liked the fact that Vince still checked up on me before bed, made sure in fact. These were the little things I was afraid would change and while I am aware that they would gradually over some time disappear, I didn't want to let go of it yet.

Maybe when I'm twenty-two would be a good time to stop, I don't know but I do know I'd still want him checking in every night until I was twenty. It made me feel warm and cared for. I don't ever say it out loud, I have never had to and that's what makes Vince such a great brother. 

He just knows.

So I decided to be different today, while the rest of my family was taking this very lightly, I actually put in the effort. I got dressed, got flowers in a vase to put in the dining room, informed the chef just in case Vince had forgotten. Getting my siblings dressed up would be the only thing left. I know it was a casual affair, sort of. But it wasn't casual enough for Nico and Justin to be shirtless and Milo to be just in his boxers. 

Thankfully, Landon and Austin were clad in t-shirts, and jeans. Landon wore some stylish jacket which served no other purpose than to make his outfit look better. Dustin on the other hand, was nowhere to seen.

"Milo," I ran my fingers through his hair knowing he liked it even though I did that rarely. Justin glanced at me, sitting on the other end of the couch his legs folded.

"Hmm?" Milo looked up from his phone, closing whatever app he was using.

"It's almost time for dinner, get dressed?" He opened it again.

"Not right now."

"Please, c'mon."

"It's not like I'm meeting her for the first time."

"Just do it for me?"

"Why are you being annoying about this?"

I crossed my arms defensively. 

"Because Vince is too stressed and he does take care of us so could we just at least be nice enough about this to our big brother and show up presentably?"

Milo was quiet for a minute and got up, muttering.

"You better be this nice to mine because I take care of you too."

I rolled my eyes after he left and looked at Justin with a sigh. He didn't move an inch.

"You can have my ice-cream. I won't tell Alina or Vince."


"Yes as long as you"-

"Appear presentable," He nodded and got up and then pointed at me, "And I will choose the music next drive."


"Deal or no deal?"

I huffed, digging my heels into the carpet, reminding myself that this was for Vince.

"Fine," I bit out. "You can play music the next drive."

"That was almost too easy," Justin laughed ruffling my hair. "We were easy, good luck with Nico."

"I'll need that," I nodded seriously, Justin threw his arm over my shoulder as we walked up the stairs. 

"You made the gun yet?"




"Well, it seems to be going well."

"It is," I played along, resisting the urge to twist my fingers in nervousness about that.

"You know she might not give you your devices back until you do it."

"She wouldn't!" I protested.

"Oh, she would," Justin nodded seriously, "She made us do the same thing."

"What's even the point?"

"Ask Alina once you're done with it."

"Help me?"

"And get grounded for six months? No, thank you."

I just groaned, Justin placed a kiss onto the side of my head in mock sympathy. I could see it on his face. He knocked on Nico's door and walked ahead, entering his own room as I waited for my scary, occasionally nice brother to open up.

He didn't.

I knocked again. 


"What?" A annoyed voice asked. How does a knock annoy someone? He opened the door, leaning against the doorframe. At least he had pants on.

"It's almost dinner, get dressed?"

He raised an eyebrow, his hand holding his phone to his ear. 

"So the baby thinks she's in charge? Cute."

"Just wear a t-shirt, please," I tugged on Nico's arm, he glared at me putting his call on hold.



"Nic," I tried the nickname in desperation. I was hoping getting them dressed would make up for whatever would occur at dinner tonight."Please please please." 

"Aurora," He bent down a little, his dark eyes boring into mine. "I said no." 

"You can have my ice-cream?" I offered, not letting off despite his scary look. I was learning, I knew he wouldn't hurt me. 

"I can buy more on my own if I want some," He shook out of my hold but I grabbed at his fingers as if I were five. 

"I'll do anything!" 

"Anything?" He turned back to face me interested. I know I was going to regret this later but I nodded. 



I know this one is really bad but it's a filler chapter. The next is the dinner and I know exactly what happens so the update will be out in 3-5 days ;)

But seriously, this is so bad I feel like crying.

Anyway, have a good week/day/month!

Adios <3

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