Chapter Thirteen: I officially hate boys.

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"I lowve you"
"I love you too, brat" His eyes didn't leave his phone but the smirk was long gone replaced by a smile, Aurora just stood in front of him, her cheek resting on his knee as she stared up at her big brother with adoring eyes. Dustin reached down picking the girl up and put her on his lap, placing kisses all over her face, Aurora just giggled in delight at the show of affection. 
"You good?" He finally stopped, letting the three-year-old finally breath and cuddle up against him. Aurora sleepily nodded, the incident earlier in the day coming back to her as the curtains of sleep took over. A boy at the park was giving her cooties, she didn't like it, and well he did what he always did, what all of them always did.
"Mhmm, fanks for protectin' me" 
"Always." Dustin's grip tightened on the sleepy little ball of love he held against his chest, he placed a kiss on her now ruffled hair, promising her once more. "Sempre."

Aurora's P.O.V:

The powerful seven were 11 kids in total. Rhydian Reicher. Dev Kaskar. Fiona Colt. Nathan Mikhail. West Ried. Kaiden Crane. Kylie Crane. Soren Collins. Alika Reyes. Ryder Mikhail.

And me.

Years ago, The Blacks, Mikhails, Reids, Kaskars, Cranes, Collins', and Reyes' sent their kids, forced their kids to attend the new yet prestigious Athenae Private School. Over the years, it turned into a tradition, a very useful one.

It made me realise something, something I wasn't sure was accurate.

See where other families had traditions such as embarrassing each other with stories or movies, making hot choco a certain way or host a family talent show, this was their kind of tradition, maybe that's the difference between the rich and the rest of the world.

And years later, here we were, Seven of the richest families' 11 children forced to study in one school, for the friendships and rivalry to be used for that.

Rhydian was actually a part of the Reids family, as I learnt later, his half-brother was West Reid but Rhydian preferred to go by his mother's last name, the same went for Fiona, she and Soren Collins were cousins, her mother being Soren's aunt.

And I was in the most powerful family out of all of them.

That's what I learnt at school today.

 I sighed, leaning against the wall looking out of the building I was in, Dustin should've been here fifteen minutes ago. Rhydian told me he could skip practice, but I said no. Fiona had something after school too, Dev's father was home today, apparently, he rarely was so Dev had skipped the last lesson and left. 

My phone rang.


"Aurora, meet me at the back of the senior parking lot?"

"Back of the parking lot? like the back of the place or the last slot?"


I sighed again. I was tired already.

"I don't know where that is, Dustin."

"Find out where the parking lot is, cross over. Fast. I'm waiting." He hung up, leaving to let out a miserable groan, frustrated at him.

'Oh yeah, I've left you waiting for over 15 minutes with not so much as a peep but you need to be here fast and not make me wait.'


"Excuse me?" I looked at the back of a boy who was passing by, he turned, a lazy smirk formed on his face as soon as he saw mine, his hair were a mess, cheeks flushed, a satisfied gleam in his eyes. 

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