Chapter Twenty-Seven: Perfect Now.

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"Will you be her godparent?"
The teenager stared at the baby and then man, knowing his reasons for the request but slowly nodded nevertheless because what else could be done.

Aurora's P.O.V:

'Cause everybody's looking at you now...'

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, the yellow dress hugged me from the top, blossoming downwards, I felt sad that I couldn't wear it.

Alina wanted this one to be easier in case anything went wrong, meaning more modern clothes, so I had to wear the midnight blue dress that to my surprise was off-shoulders, one part layered on top of the other as though a rose petal, the edge outlined by a beautiful golden that stood out perfectly, it hugged my figure, ending a little above my knees.

I rubbed my arms, a little uncomfortable.

What if there was an episode over this? I didn't want it to happen...maybe I should just wear a jacket on top?

I stared at the beautiful dress I was in, wishing for the thousandth time I'd get to wear it.

"Hey" A knock brought me out of my thoughts and I saw Vince leaning against the door frame, a small smile on his face.

"You look beautiful, little one" He complimented me immediately and I smiled in response.

"I really wanted to wear this"

Vince let out a soft laugh and then looked at me with even softer eyes.

"You'll look even better in the blue dress, I promise," He told me, his smile never leaving and then reached into his pocket, pulling out a garter belt, a dark blue one with golden strips matching my breathtaking dress, one of the two. "You're going to need it."

I slowly walked to him, taking the fabric from him.

"Your hairdressers and make up people will be here soon, Alina and I, both, asked them to keep it simple." He informed me, running his finger through my hair. "Now, I need you to keep your phone, pepper-spray and these two"

I tried not to faint or give a negative reaction as Vince laid out a gun and dagger both covered by dark blue velvet-like cloth.

"I know you don't know how to use a gun properly, yet, but it's just in case. Pull it out to pause the person who is trying to harm you, we will notice you gone," He said, his tone grave, "Stay within the sights of either of us and do not go anywhere alone. Take one of your friends with you, or your brothers. Okay?"

"Okay" I nodded trying to sound just as solemn.

"Alright then, I'll leave you to it" He kissed my head and I held his arm to stop him from leaving.

"There's...there's no...uh...jacket there with the dress and"-

"Aurora, we were at fault the previous time," Vince told me seriously and then slightly tilted his head and back. "Well...slightly. As long as you're with us, you're good. We just..."

"Worry?" I guessed and he nodded, confirming.



'....My oh, my....'

After everything was done, I could not stop staring at myself in the mirror, despite the fact that most of the make-up was natural, with slightly shadowy (dark) blue eyelids, and shiny cheekbones....and some other stuff.

My hair was complicated but perfect, the top of them were braided beautifully in a complicated way behind me, the rest of my hair fell down my shoulders. The braided part held star-shaped jewels that contrasted against my dark hair according to the stylists.

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