Chapter One: No seriously, I am going to die.

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"There are no records of him, big brother." Maddie tried not to look into Percy's cold eyes, a calmness in them that masked the shock. "He does not exist in this world. He never has. That's how he wanted it to be and all she wanted was money to continue living her life, even after he died, Lance just never....he never left."

Aurora's P.O.V:

No seriously, I am going to die. 

WHY ARE ALEX AND HENRY SO CUTE?! No, you don't get it, they're so so so cu-

Justin's head fell onto my lap, his torso resting on the big creamy beige leather chair beside me, feet dangling off, one arm followed and he rested it over his eyes. 

"I'm reading" I clicked my tongue in annoyance at my 17-year-old brother. Justin removed his arm from his eyes, his narrowed eyes. 

"Is it just me or have you become much meaner since when you were 12?"

"Just you," I answered before anyone else could join in him teasing me and then hit his head, "Now let me read."


"I know this position is uncomfortable for you," I deadpanned and he tried to shrug. 

"It annoys you when I interrupt," He grinned up at me and then twisted himself so he sat in the seat properly. 

"Where are we going again?" I shut the book, turning backwards to look at Alina who was typing on the laptop and Vince who for once was not working and instead holding an old Russian classic, he looked up at the question, leaning back. 

"An island" 

"Which one?"

"Hawaii," Dustin spoke up lazily, still eyeing the beer that Nico handed him and Vince took away. He had had too many already.

"A private one," Vince answered sending a glare towards Dustin and pulling the beer bottle further away from him.

"We own a private island?"

"Well technically...neither of us do," Dustin looked at Vince with a teasing look, stretched across the couch. 

"Revealing more and more is not going to get me to give in. Move on," He told him in a much harsher tone than he had ever used with me in the nearly two years of living here, and then looked at me, his tone softening, eyes still guarded. "Yes, it's ours but technically Alina owns it."

"But Dustin just said that none of us does," I was on my knees on the chair now, elbows resting on the headrest.

"Dustin also told you that you could make an entire livable castle of skittles if you just stacked them one by one," Vince told me dryly, "Now go back to reading."



I let out a small huff and twisted back, sitting down and then eyed Justin who was on his phone. 

"You know don't you?"

"Don't look at me," He raised his hands a teasing glimmer in his eyes, there were times I got curious like this but living with so many older Blacks I had learned to pick my battles. So instead of giving Justin the amusement or drama he eagerly desired which would probably end in both of us being told to knock it off, which again would have no effect on him and he'd irritate me until we both got deep enough into it to be told off, I picked up my book, leaning sideways onto the plane, resting my feet on his lap. Justin scowled at me, I just smiled as he got up, only pausing to pinch my tummy, making me squeal at the sting and rub at the abused area.

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