Chapter One: I am dying.

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As Alina looked at the family, her supposed family, she realised, she had never once felt so utterly alone.

Aurora's P.O.V:

I am dying. 

Another soft groan left my lips as I hung my sling bag over my now bruised shoulder, clenching my hand around the strap, my other hand brought up the bottle that kept my protein shake safe to my lips. 

I let the liquid into my mouth, swallowing with no trouble, the flavour was amazing. Justin was truly wondrous at finding ways to make things unhealthier but better. Brownie-flavoured protein shake with a spoon of Nutella? Any day. Just as long as Vince didn't know. 

My limbs felt sore today, sorer than they had been in the past week. 

"Rest up," The man told me, his body wet with sweat still, a little bit of dried blood on his nose that I had caused. 

"You know it, Magnus," I rolled my head, bunching up my shoulders as I stepped out of the gym, my feet ached, and my body was warm and smelled of vanilla and strawberries, I liked that scent. It felt a lot like when everything and everyone was together. I looked like twelve-year-old me, I felt like it after every shower, though the cut extending from my cheekbone to near my lip would likely disagree. 

"Hello," I opened Dustin's car which had been very conveniently left behind for me. He left it behind. For me. It meant a lot. I didn't tell him that very often. 

"Rora rora rora," Justin's buzzed voice answered from the phone against my ear, "How's life?"

"I'm sore."


"Training," I pulled my car out of the driveway. I was only a year away from getting my license, but I could drive. As long as Alina said yes, who was to stop me? 

"Drive safely. Call Vince once you are home."

"I'll text both of them," I told the voice that was connected to my Bluetooth now. "Where are you?"

"At a party, it's nice. Good booze."

My fingers tapped against the wheel, building up my will to ask the question I wanted to. 


"I'll call you later okay? Got to go, hot chick 101."

The call disconnected. The words died on my tongue. 

When will you come home?


 I dropped my bag right at the entrance, I knew Vincent and Alina weren't home, there was no point in picking up after myself. I kicked my shoes off. 

The house was silent, very silent. I was getting used to it now. 

My feet clad in socks thumped lightly against the floor, I liked the sound. I found it relaxing really. I had showered in the training section, changed into my grey sweatpants and a graphic t-shirt. There was only really dinner I need to have so I didn't bother going up. There was a plate of warm food already on the table when I entered, I lifted myself onto the stool, and opened my iPad. 

Friends started playing.

I watched that show religiously every night when I had my dinner, it made the silence vanish and for those few moments, it felt the same except on Tuesdays and Sundays. Vince and Alina made it a point to be home for dinner then. 

We still had breakfast together, it was rather rushed now though, I had always gotten up later than everyone and school doesn't wait for anyone. Sometimes I did make an effort to get up earlier than usual, so we could have more time. 

It wasn't the same. It was. Vince was as caring and protective as always but there was no teasing to be saved from. Alina could make anyone shut up with a glance still but there was no one to glance that way at. 

But I cherished these moments still. I had learned to. In a few years, I'd be in Italy and after that, I'd have to share Alina and Vincent with everyone. These days, they were only mine. It made my chest lighter, this thought, some days, others it made it heavier because I wanted to cry about how that was okay. Sharing was okay. 

"Would you like more, Miss Black?" A voice asked, I smiled and shook my head. 

"No, thank you,"

"Of course," She picked up my plate. I stared at her leaving. 

"Could you get me a pen and paper, please?"

"Of course, Miss Black." 


"Hey Austin," I smiled at him, his hair had grown out again, his arms were beside him like they had been for a year now. I was fifteen now. He was supposed to be at Stanford now. 

My hand held his. 

"I miss you," I told him like I always did. 

"Alina and Vincent are busy, doing well though. Poppy is nice by the way, I like her. I've lessened my vaping. I don't have enough time for it. Landon recently painted Brie and himself, it was beautiful, Justin found a hot chick today to bother and Dustin's doing what he does. Apparently, his teachers have a love-hate relationship with him," I told the silent body, "I'm doing well too. Almost broke Magnus's nose today. I've told no one but you. Home's nice and silent. Peaceful. Like sometimes you wished it was."

It's a curse, Austin, I wanted to say, when you wake up never wish for silence ever again. 

But I didn't. I kissed his hand. I brushed his hair. I climbed next to him and pretended we were just napping and then when Vince texted, I slipped out, kissed his forehead and grabbed my shoes. 

And then, I texted Vince back. 

I'm home. In my room. When will you be home?

I didn't stay up waiting for his text, but I swear at some point in the night I felt his lips kiss my forehead and the ache in my chest lessened. 


Hello, hi, hey. 

Welcome to the third part!

What's up? Opinions? Thoughts? 

This chapter wasn't a lot of action, it wasn't meant to be, but you know....yk.

Anything you want to see? 

How's everyone and everything? 

Thanks for sticking around, reading, voting and commenting! I'm grateful to all of you. Really.

Adios Amigos. <3

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