Found in pieces (edited)

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"Amethyst! Why do you have that!" Pearl looked at the gem with concern as she saw the pile of metal and trash that Amethyst held in her arms. She just disregarded Pearl and walked past the kitchen.

"I dunno it's just some junk I found" She shrugged as Steven popped his head out from his room with a curious look.

"Anything for me?" Steven asked but Amethyst shook her head.

"Sorry Steven this trash is all mine" She opened her door and threw the trash off into the distance causing a big crash to ring out from the gem's room. Just like every other time she had thrown something into her room, she rarely touched it ever again.

"Honestly I worry about what is in that room of yours sometimes" Pearl shook her head as Amethyst ran to join her on the warp pad.

"Will you be alright here Steven?" The boy nodded his head and gave the two gems a thumbs up. "Good, we need to meet up with Garnet about a corrupted gem" Pearl said to herself before she glanced back to Steven.

"Goodbye Steven"

"Later nerd"

And the two warped away leaving Steven alone once again. Steven walked down to the kitchen and opened the fridge to find it empty apart from a packet of opened mac and cheese. Sighing, the boy closed the fridge before deciding on doughnuts for breakfast instead.

Little did he know that there would be a rather confused robot waiting when he got home.

~~~Amethysts room~~~

*Beep Beep* system reboot* starting visual processors* online*

Two flashing lights turned on that were connected to a disembodied metal skull with wires that stuck out of it. The skull looked badly damaged with burn marks and parts of the metallic bone missing.

A quiet slinking noise filled the trash riddled room as different parts of the metal skeleton moved to connect itself with the body. The body looked like a rib cage with a large light green sphere where a heart should be. The body stood up before grabbing the head and stuffing it onto the open neck port.

*warning: system damaged*

The metal skeleton dug their fingers under their rib cage and fiddled around with the glowing green orb before an announcement comes over its internal speakers.

*repairing process started* estimated wait time: 24 hours* starting with the head*

The metal skeleton sat down against a pile of trash and looked around the large room. There were trash piles as high as the ceiling with all different types of things that the robot hadn't even seen before.

Boredom started to set in only a few minutes later. They abandoned the thought of waiting until they were completely repaired, and started to walk around their surroundings.

They found a multitude of different items that could be described as junk with purpose. This stuff could help anyone or anything if they were smart enough to utilise it.

As soon as they finished that though, they came across a pile of rotting food and shuddered at the thought of smelling that. They knew that human food wasn't supposed to be green and fuzzy.

Continuing around the trash cave with growing concern about the fact that they haven't found an exit yet, but their face has almost fully regrown apart from the left side, taking an eye and the cheek, the skin is pale, almost metallic looking skin with blue optics in place of eyes and a head of spiked up grey hair.

The metallic skin had only grown to the neck so far because it's growing at a snails pace due to the broken repair system that was built into their body in case of emergencies. But clearly it failed.

Suddenly the robot spotted an open door! Finally! Freedom from the piles of trash.

The bot quickened their pace, almost jumping out through the door way when they reached it. They ended up falling on their newly reformed face and groaning when they stood up.

The place that they find themself in was very different from the room they we're currently in. It has a more friendly look to it, plus the fact it is built of mostly brown planks of what looked to be wood.

As the robot looked around, they made their way towards a bench of sorts with some weird tools on it. One being long and sharp at the end while the other has four prongs on a stick.

A small creak alerted them to the door to find a small human looking at the robot with surprise and excitement.

"Hello?" The boy closed the door quietly as the robot is yet to move, almost as if they believe that if they didn't move that the human wouldn't see them.

"I'm Steven and what are you doing in my house?" Steven set down his doughnuts on the kitchen counter as he slowly approached the mostly metallic skeleton with a sort of human head.

"Can you understand me?" He asked the robot but only gets a small nod in return.

Steven could tell that the robot wouldn't hurt him since the bot hadn't gone to attack him yet but his mind is still scrambled for an answer on how the robot got into his house. Then it came to him when he saw the temple door that lead to Amethysts room was wide open.

"Did you come from there?" He pointed to the door and the robot gave him another small nod.

"Where are your clothes?" Steven thought that the robot must be have felt weird without any clothing so he walked over to his draws and ruffled through them until he found an old button shirt with mushrooms on it and a pair of brown pants.

He walked back over to the still frozen robot and handed them the clothes.

"I will turn around while you put them on" Steven does just that as the robot looked at the clothes with confusion evident on their face.

After a few minutes of struggle with the clothes, they finished changing and hesitantly the bot taped Steven on the shoulder, causing him to turn around which only made the bot flinch with the quick movement.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you" Steven quickly apologised making the robot calm down slightly.

"Do you have a name?" The bot put a finger to their chin before opening their mouth, only for nothing to come out.

"You can't speak?" Just as Steven finished the warp pad activates and the three crystal gems appear with three corrupted gems in bubbles.


Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now